
Albert Nsengiyumva
Secrétaire exécutif
Executive Secretary
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Albert Nsengiyumva's biography
Alice Mukashyaka
▸ See Alice Mukashyaka's biography
Aliou Sow
Point focal, Livres et matériels éducatifs
Focal Point, Books and Learning Materials
Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PQIP-EA)
▸ See Aliou Sow's biography
Alpha Bah
Chef des services SIGE et TIC
Head of EMIS and ICT units
Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia
Ministère des enseignements de base et secondaire, Gambie
▸ See Alpha Bah's biography
Alphonse Sebaganwa
Ancien coordinateur
Former Coordinator
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PQIP-EA)
▸ See Alphonse Sebaganwa's biography
Amara Kamaté
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Technical and Vocational Skills Development (ICQN-TVSD)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l’ADEA sur le Développement des Compétences Techniques et Professionnelles (PQIP-DCTP)
▸ See Amara Kamaté's biography
Amina Yekhlef
Chargée de la gestion du savoir
Knowledge Management Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Amina Yekhlef's biography
Aminata Nacoulma
Linguiste et spécialiste en communication
Linguist and communication specialist
ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE)
Groupe de travail de l’ADEA sur l’éducation non formelle (GTENF)
▸ See Aminata Nacoulma's biography
Aminata Siahoué
Ancienne chargée de projets
Former Project Officer
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Technical and Vocational Skills Development (ICQN-TVSD)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l’ADEA sur le Développement des Compétences Techniques et Professionnelles (PQIP-DCTP)
▸ See Aminata Siahoué's biography
Anjusha Durbarry
Research Officer
Research Officer
Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Higher Education Commission (HEC)
▸ See Anjusha Durbarry's biography
Anoziva Marindire
Responsable de l'information et de la communication
Information and Communications Officer
African Union International Center for Girls and Women’s Education in Africa (AU/CIEFFA)
Centre international de l'Union africaine pour l'éducation des filles et des femmes en Afrique (UA/CIEFFA)
▸ See Anoziva Marindire's biography
Ayélé Léa Adubra
Education expert
Expert en éducation
▸ See Ayélé Léa Adubra's biography
Bénéwendé Bonav...
Analyste, planificateur et gestionnaire des systèmes éducatifs
Inspector, specializing in analysis, management and planning of education systems
Ministry of National Education and Literacy of Burkina Faso
Ministère de l’Education nationale et de l’Alphabétisation du Burkina Faso
▸ See Bénéwendé Bonav...'s biography
Bernard Kirk
Camdem Education Trust
Camdem Education Trust
▸ See Bernard Kirk's biography
Birger Fredriksen
Expert en éducation
Education expert
▸ See Birger Fredriksen's biography
Cedric Christia...
Ancien Chargé de la gestion du savoir
Former Knowledge Management Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Cedric Christia...'s biography
Charles Gitau M...
Ancien coordinateur
Former Coordinator
ADEA’s Inter Country Quality Node on Peace Education (ICQN-PE)
Pole de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'éducation pour la paix (PQIP-EP)
▸ See Charles Gitau M...'s biography
Charry Lee
Senior Project Coordinator
Senior Project Coordinator
Education Commission
Education Commission
▸ See Charry Lee's biography
Chemwi Mutiwanyuka
Ancienne analyste de programmes
Former Programme Analyst
ADEA Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS)
Groupe de travail de l’ADEA sur la gestion de l’éducation et l’appui aux politiques (GTGEAP)
▸ See Chemwi Mutiwanyuka's biography
Chimezie Anajama
▸ See Chimezie Anajama's biography
Chinedu Anarado
Spécialiste de communication
Communications Specialist
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Chinedu Anarado's biography
Christopher Thomas
Director of Partnerships
Director of Partnerships
Yidan Prize Foundation
Yidan Prize Foundation
▸ See Christopher Thomas's biography
Claire Gillisse...
Director of EMEA Corporate Social Responsibility & Africa Code Week Global Lead
Director of EMEA Corporate Social Responsibility & Africa Code Week Global Lead
▸ See Claire Gillisse...'s biography
Coumba Touré Kane
Ancienne Coordinatrice
Former Coordinator
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Higher Education and Scientific Research (ICQN-HESR)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'Enseignement supérieur et la recherche scientifique (PQIP-ESRS)
▸ See Coumba Touré Kane's biography
Daphne Nawa Chimuka
Spécialiste en Développement des réseaux
Network Development Specialist
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)
Forum des Éducatrices Africaines (FAWE)
▸ See Daphne Nawa Chimuka's biography
David Chukwuma ...
Associate Consultant
Associate Consultant
McKinsey & Company
McKinsey & Company
▸ See David Chukwuma ...'s biography
Dorah Kitala
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Peace Education (ICQN-PE)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'éducation pour la paix (PQIP-EP)
▸ See Dorah Kitala's biography
Education Finan...
▸ See Education Finan...'s biography
Eléonore Justin...
Sociologue et spécialiste en Education Non Formelle
Sociologist and Specialist in Non-Formal Education
ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE)
Groupe de travail de l'ADEA sur l'Education Non Formelle (GTENF)
▸ See Eléonore Justin...'s biography
Elisheba Kiru
Associate Research Scientist
Associate Research Scientist
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
▸ See Elisheba Kiru's biography
Ephraim Daka
Research and Innovation Policy Expert & Doctoral researcher
Research and Innovation Policy Expert & Doctoral researcher
University of Turku, Finland
University of Turku, Finland
▸ See Ephraim Daka's biography
Evelyne Beguinot
Directrice du développement et associée
Director of Development and Co-owner
Happy Coders Academy
Happy Coders Academy
▸ See Evelyne Beguinot's biography
Fatoumata Fofan...
Ancienne chargée de la communication
Former Communications Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
ssociation pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Fatoumata Fofan...'s biography
George Afeti
Expert en éducation et formation
Education and Training Expert
▸ See George Afeti's biography
Gertrude Tafadz...
Ancienne analyste de projet
Former project Analyst
ADEA's Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS)
Groupe de travail de l’ADEA sur la gestion de l’éducation et l’appui aux politiques (GTGEAP)
▸ See Gertrude Tafadz...'s biography
Hamidou Boukary
Ancien Spécialiste en chef de l'éducation
Former Chief Education Specialist
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Hamidou Boukary's biography
Hendrina Chalwe...
Chef de division, Éducation, capital humain et emploi
Division Manager, Education, Human Capital and Employment
African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD)
▸ See Hendrina Chalwe...'s biography
Ibrahim Sanon
Secrétaire général
General Secretary
Ministry of National Education, Literacy and Promotion of National Languages, Burkina Faso
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'alphabétisation et de la promotion des langues nationales, Burkina Faso
▸ See Ibrahim Sanon's biography
Ibrahima Bah-Lalya
Ancien Coordinateur
Former Coordinator
ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE)
Groupe de travail de l’ADEA sur l’éducation non formelle (GTENF)
▸ See Ibrahima Bah-Lalya's biography
Izel Kipruto
Responsable de la communication
Head of Communications
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
▸ See Izel Kipruto's biography
Jacqueline Folotiya
Experte supérieure en apprentissage fondamental
Senior Foundational Learning Expert
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Jacqueline Folotiya's biography
Jennifer Blanke
Ancienne vice-présidente
Former Vice-President
African Development Bank Group (AFDB)
Groupe de la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD)
▸ See Jennifer Blanke's biography
Jerome Morrissey
Global e-Schools and Communities’ Initiative (GeSCI)
Global e-Schools and Communities’ Initiative (GeSCI)
▸ See Jerome Morrissey's biography
John Mugo
Executive Director
Executive Director
Zizi Afrique Foundation
Zizi Afrique Foundation
▸ See John Mugo's biography
Jonathan Chuks Mba
Directeur de la recherche et de la planification académique / coordonnateur
Director of Research & Academic Planning / Coordinator
Association of African Universities (AAU)
Association des universités africaines (AUA)
▸ See Jonathan Chuks Mba's biography
Joseph Kennedy ...
Lecturer and National Trainer
Lecturer and National Trainer
Center for Mathematics Science and Technology and Education in Africa (CEMASTEA)
Centre pour les mathématiques, les sciences et la technologie en Afrique (CEMASTEA)
▸ See Joseph Kennedy ...'s biography
Jozef Raczka
Content Executive
Content Executive
▸ See Jozef Raczka's biography
Juliet Kimotho
Responsable de la Communication et du Plaidoyer
Communication and Advocacy Professional
Forum for Africa Women Educationalists (FAWE)
Forum des éducatrices africaines (FAWE)
▸ See Juliet Kimotho's biography
Kate Anderson
Project Lead, DeliverEd
Project Lead, DeliverEd
Education Commission
Education Commission
▸ See Kate Anderson's biography
Kwesi Acquah Sam
Former Project Officer, ADEA WGHE
Former Project Officer, ADEA WGHE
Association of African Universities (AAU)
Association of African Universities (AAU)
▸ See Kwesi Acquah Sam's biography
Lawalley Cole
Ancien Coordinateur, COMED
Former Coordinator, COMED
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Lawalley Cole's biography
Lily Nyariki
Point focal, Livres et matériels éducatifs
Focal Point, Books and Learning Materials
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PQIP-EA)
▸ See Lily Nyariki's biography
Linda Hiebert
Alliance mondiale du livre
Global Book Alliance
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID)
▸ See Linda Hiebert's biography
Linda Zuze
Spécialiste senior de l'apprentissage fondamental
Senior Foundational Learning Specialist
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
▸ See Linda Zuze's biography
Lydia Namatende...
Associate Research Scientist
Associate Research Scientist
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
▸ See Lydia Namatende...'s biography
Martha Muhwezi
Directrice exécutive
Executive Director
FAWE Regional Secretariat
Secrétariat régional du FAWE
▸ See Martha Muhwezi's biography
Mary Chepkemoi
Zizi Afrique Foundation
Zizi Afrique Foundation
▸ See Mary Chepkemoi's biography
Mary Kangethe
Ancienne coordinatrice, PQIP-EP
Former Coordinator, ICQN-PE
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l’Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Mary Kangethe's biography
Mary Sichangi
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Mathematics and Science Education (ICQN-MSE)
Pole de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'enseignement des mathématiques et des sciences (PQIP-EMS)
▸ See Mary Sichangi's biography
Maya Soonarane
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Early Childhood Development (ICQN-ECD)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur le Développement de la petite enfance (PQIP-DPE)
▸ See Maya Soonarane's biography
Michael Tusiime...
Ancien coordinateur
Former Coordinator
ADEA's Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PQIP-EA)
▸ See Michael Tusiime...'s biography
Michael Weber
Économiste senior (Diagnostics des emplois, réglementation du travail et assurance sociale)
Senior Economist, Jobs Group
World Bank
Banque mondiale
▸ See Michael Weber's biography
Moses Ngware
Responsable de l'éducation et autonomisation des jeunes
Head of Education and Youth Empowerment
African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Centre de recherche africain sur la population et la santé (APHRC)
▸ See Moses Ngware's biography
Nader Imani
Vice-Président Exécutif des projets d'éducation globale
Executive Vice President Global Education
Festo Didactic SE
Festo Didactic SE
▸ See Nader Imani's biography
Oley Dibba-Wadda
Présidente du Comité exécutif
Chairperson of Executive Committee
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Oley Dibba-Wadda's biography
Oswald Rutayisire
Chargé du suivi et de l'évaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Oswald Rutayisire's biography
Patricia Kitsao...
Research Scientist
Research Scientist
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC)
▸ See Patricia Kitsao...'s biography
Pauline Essah
Directrice de la recherche et de la prospective
Director of Research and Insight
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
▸ See Pauline Essah's biography
Pauline Rose
Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL)
Centre de Recherche pour l’accès équitable et l’apprentissage (REAL)
▸ See Pauline Rose's biography
Petrine Addae
Research Advisor
Research Advisor
Ministry of Education, Ghana
Ministry of Education, Ghana
▸ See Petrine Addae's biography
Polycarp O. Otieno
Statisticien et économiste de l'éducation
Education Statistician and Economist
▸ See Polycarp O. Otieno's biography
Priscilla Bretuo
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge
Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge
▸ See Priscilla Bretuo's biography
Rafael Mitchell
Chercheur associé
Research Associate
Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL)
Centre de Recherche pour l’accès équitable et l’apprentissage (REAL)
▸ See Rafael Mitchell's biography
Raki Bal
Resource Person
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Early Childhood Development (ICQN-ECD)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l’ADEA sur le développement de la petite enfance (PQIP-DPE)
▸ See Raki Bal's biography
Raky Gassama
Ancienne Chargée de la gestion du savoir
Former Knowledge Management Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Raky Gassama's biography
Redouane Assad
Expert international en statistiques de l'éducation
International Expert in Education Statistics
Ministry of Higher Education of Morocco
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur du Maroc
▸ See Redouane Assad's biography
Reem Derbala
Directrice exécutive, Unité de la planification stratégique et de l'élaboration des politiques
Executive Director, Strategic Planning and Policy Development Unit
Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt
Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur de l'Egypte
▸ See Reem Derbala's biography
Rémy Habou
Ancien coordinateur
Former Coordinator
ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Literacy and National Languages (ICQN-LNL)
Pôle de qualité inter-pays de l'ADEA sur l'alphabétisation et les langues nationales (PQIP-ALN)
▸ See Rémy Habou's biography
Richard Sack
Secrétaire exécutif de l’ADEA (1995 - 2001)
ADEA Executive Secretary (1995 - 2001)
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Richard Sack's biography
Rita Bissoonauth
African Union International Center for Girls and Women’s Education in Africa (AU/CIEFFA)
Centre international de l'Union africaine pour l'éducation des filles et des femmes en Afrique (UA/CIEFFA)
▸ See Rita Bissoonauth's biography
Romeela Mohee
Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Higher Education Commission (HEC)
▸ See Romeela Mohee's biography
Ronald Omuthe
PhD Education candidate
PhD Education candidate
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
▸ See Ronald Omuthe's biography
Ruth Kagia
Member, Advisory Committee
Member, Advisory Committee
Yidan Prize Foundation
Yidan Prize Foundation
▸ See Ruth Kagia's biography
Samuel Asare
Directeur de recherche
Research Manager
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA)
▸ See Samuel Asare's biography
Sandra Baxter
Associée de recherche
Research Associate
Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL)
Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL)
▸ See Sandra Baxter's biography
Sang F.W. Gomez
Director of Standard and Quality Assurance Directorate
Director of Standard and Quality Assurance Directorate
Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia
Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, The Gambia
▸ See Sang F.W. Gomez's biography
Satu Järvinen
Fondatrice et PDG
Founder and CEO
▸ See Satu Järvinen's biography
Shem Bodo
Chargé supérieur des programmes
Senior Programs Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Shem Bodo's biography
Stefano De Cupis
Ancien chargé supérieur de la communication
Former Senior Communication Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le Développement de l'Education en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Stefano De Cupis's biography
Steve Cantrell
Vice-président en charge de la mesure et de l'évaluation
Vice President for Measurement and Evaluation
Bridge International Academies
Bridge International Academies
▸ See Steve Cantrell's biography
Victoria Levin
Senior Economist
World Bank
Banque mondiale
▸ See Victoria Levin's biography
Youssouf Ario Maiga
Ancien Chargé supérieur de projets
Former Senior Projects Officer
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (ADEA)
▸ See Youssouf Ario Maiga's biography