Other Programs

Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA)

Recognizing the critical role of education in social and economic development, and acknowledging the role of research in the formulation and implementation of educational policy and reforms, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the African Development Bank’s focal point on capacity building - the African Development Institute (ADI/AfDB) - have agreed to partner in launching the Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA).

▸ Click here for more information



In 2005, in response to requests from ADEA's two main constituencies (Ministries and agencies), the ADEA Secretariat developed an on-line curriculum vitae see information database. Called CV EXPERTS, it allows a quick identification of African and Africanist education experts in a specific thematic area. The CV EXPERTS database is available online to Members of the ADEA Steering Committee. This database serves as a reference for African/Africanist experts involved in the development of education in Africa; fosters synergies amongst ADEA's partners through a dynamic information interface on African/Africanist education experts; and promotes participation of both young and female African education experts in the development of education in Africa. All African/Africanist education specialists are encouraged to contribute to the database by consulting and adding their names to CV Experts.

▸ Click here to submit your CV to the database


ADEA Profile (2012)

The ADEA Profile database was designed to strengthen the exchange of information and knowledge among ADEA's constituencies. Since 2000, the ADEA Secretariat has worked in close collaboration with the WG Leaders and Coordinators to quantitatively and qualitatively consolidate the information contained in Profile. ADEA Profile provides information on ADEA Working Groups and programs, their activities and the people involved in the 54 countries of Africa. It includes references to over 1500 activities carried out since the creation of ADEA in 1988, and more than 1400 documents which can be consulted in Portable document format (PDF). It also contains the contact addresses of close to 1500 people from over 500 institutions that participate directly or indirectly in ADEA activities, such as development agencies, African ministries of education, non-government organizations as well as civil society organizations working in the field.

▸ Click here to access ADEA Profile 2012


Africa Education Journalism Award (2010)

In 2001, ADEA launched an award that recognizes the best articles on education in Africa written by African journalists and published in the African press.

▸ Click here for more information


Program and Project Information System on Education (PRISME 2005)

The PRISME database is a source of information on education programs and projects in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The design, maintenance and dissemination of a descriptive database of foreign aid agencies' educational programs and projects in sub-Saharan Africa are part of the broader mission of coordination of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). The idea for such a system dates back to the founding of the Association in 1988 with the creation of Donor Information System, DIS. DIS was intended to be a simple information system of donor assistance to education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its main roles were restricted to enabling users to see WHO is working WHERE and WHEN, on WHAT, HOW and WHY. Since the release of DIS, the Secretariat has released three versions of PRISME (PRISME 97, PRISME 2000 and PRISME 2005).

A Windows CD-ROM version of PRISME 2005 is available at the Secretariat or through direct download from the ADEA Web site (21 MB).

N.B. Although PRISME is still accessible as a database, it is no longer being updated (latest data refers to 2004).


Intra-African Exchange Program (2002)

Designed to promote the cross-fertilization of creative responses developed in Africa for specific problems facing education, the program of Intra-African Exchanges includes study visits, exchanges of expertise, and commissioned papers that describe successful experiences in education in Africa.

▸ Click here for more information


Statistical Profiles of Education in sub-Saharan Africa (SPESSA 1999)

In 1998, the World Bank produced a comprehensive set of statistics on African education in the 1980s. ADEA has improved and updated these statistics (datasets available for 1990-1993 and 1993-1996) and, in collaboration with USAID, has converted this information into a user-friendly computer program (SPESSA 1999 - Statistical Profiles of Education in sub-Saharan Africa). SPESSA 1999 allows users to access and view information from a comprehensive dataset of more than 80 indicators related to education. With SPESSA, it is easy to create graphics comparing data across years and countries.

The complete Windows version of SPESSA 1999 is available on CD-ROM from the ADEA Secretariat or through direct download from the ADEA Web site (8.3 MB zip file).

▸ N.B. Although SPESSA 1999 is still accessible as a database, it is no longer being updated (latest data refers to 1998).