Apprentissage fondamental

  • ADEAMercredi, Janvier 25, 2023 - 08:58 

    The Spotlight Study: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC Spotlight Study) provides education partners with a fact-based diagnosis of the national education system, with a focus on basic education and foundational learning. It seeks to highlight the progress made within the system in relation to the impact of factors such as education vision, teaching and learning, teachers, leadership and management, assessment, parent and community intervention, and evaluation of basic education and foundational learning.

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  • ADEAMercredi, Janvier 25, 2023 - 08:59 

    Access has been a historic strength of Ghana’s education system, although issues remain with over-age enrolment. While there is some recent encouraging progress in reading, basic education learning outcomes remain low. Since 2017, Ghana has embarked on an ambitious set of reforms, including development of teacher standards, introduction of a new curriculum, establishment of fee-free senior secondary education, an overhaul of pre-service teacher education and reforms to improve accountability and learning outcomes across basic schools.

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  • ADEAMercredi, Janvier 25, 2023 - 08:59 

    The purpose of this report is to review progress and challenges related to basic education in Senegal. The report provides a solid argument for the application of measures that are likely to accelerate the achievement of targets 4.1 and 4.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a framework to which Senegal has committed. Using evidence on the education system, the report is also an advocacy tool for public decision makers, national and local actors, and technical and financial partners.

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