Pleins feux sur l'achèvement de l'éducation de base et les apprentissages fondamentaux au Rwanda
The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi resulted in more than one million people being killed in 100 days and Rwanda became considered a failed state. Since then, Rwanda has steadily managed to move from an emergency phase into a development phase. Rwanda's education system has undergone significant change during the country’s national Vision 2020 (Republic of Rwanda, 2012). In 2015, the government drafted Vision 2050 (Republic of Rwanda, 2015), setting out a long-term strategic vision for the nation. Vision 2050 states that Rwanda's education system will be market driven and competence based. Thus Rwanda has undertaken education reforms and implemented new policies aimed at ensuring universal enrolment, improving quality and promoting the acquisition of foundational learning. Key reforms include providing fee-free basic education, changing the language of instruction, introducing a competence-based curriculum, taking steps to improve equity, expanding infrastructure, and implementing a comprehensive assessment system.
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