Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)

The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a critical voice for education in Africa. We aim to empower African countries to reform their education systems and position themselves for sustainable development. We are hosted as a special project within the African Development Bank Group and comprise the Ministers of Education and Training from the 55 African countries.

ADEA’s vision is to “serve as an open and flexible pan-African organization that informs and facilitates the transformation of education and training systems for resilience, human capital development, and youth empowerment in Africa”. And a goal of “empowering African countries to develop education and training systems that respond to their emergent needs and that drive Africa’s social and economic transformation sustainably”. ADEA operates through various structures and mechanisms, including the General Assembly, the Secretariat, and the Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs).

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