Country Profile Report - Botswana - Study on the Use of ICT in Education and Remote Learning during Crises

Botswana is a small, dynamic country that is an education success story and has deployed resourced into implementing its ICT, which is linked to the broader economic vision for the country. A landlocked country, located between Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia, Botswana has, since its independence in 1966, rapidly became one of the world’s development success stories (World Bank). Its mineral wealth, good governance, and judicious economic management with its small population, have enabled Botswana to become an upper middle-income country with a transformation agenda in the hope of becoming a high-income country by 2036...

The development of this country profile is based on a review of secondary literary sources provides an initial profile that offers a baseline and frame of reference for understanding the key issues, for the country’s experiences, priorities and challenges regarding ICT and remote learning strategy specifically as has been accelerated by the COVID-19 experience.