INFO NOTE - Merging ADEA’s working groups into Inter-Country Quality Nodes for improved support at country and continental levels
Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) 13th January 2020 – The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is glad to announce that the merging of its different working groups into ADEA’s Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs) has been successfully completed.
Based on the ADEA Strategic Plan 2018-2022 and the latest recommendations and decisions taken during the 19th session of the Executive Committee (26th June 2018, Côte d’Ivoire) and the 45th session of the Steering Committee (13th November 2018, Côte d’Ivoire), the Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS) became a Task Force (TFEMPS) hosted since January 2020 by the Secretariat of ADEA, while the Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) was transformed into an ICQN hosted by Burkina Faso and officially launched on 25th April 2019 in Ouagadougou.
This core merging process is part of previous structural revisions carried out since the inception of ADEA in 1988. Indeed, the Association has been acting for more than 30 years on processes that have had a profound impact on education development and transformation in Africa through a catalytic and holistic approach consisting of advocacy and policy dialogue, capacity building, networking and research/analytical work. To this end, it is important to note that the creation, merging and/or closingof one of ADEA’s working groups or ICQNs is a key procedure that takes into account several factors including new governance structure, sustainability and effectiveness.
Since 1988, ADEA established 19 working groups (WGs) on key thematic areas related to education and training in Africa. As of today, 12 working groups have been closed, 5 WGs have been transformed into ICQNs (ECD, HESR, MSE, NFE and TL), 1 WG on Female Participation (WGFP) was transformed into the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) and 1 WG on Books and Learning Materials (BLM) was integrated as a section of the ICQN-TL. In addition, the new TFEMPS will play a key role in the challenge of facilitating better planning and policy dialogue in Africa.
In brief, ADEA has now a total of 9 ICQNs (ECD, HESR, LNL, MSE, NFE, PE, SE, TVSD and TL)[1] and 1 Task Force on Education Management and Policy Support.
Lastly, thanks to its Pan-African mission and the Strategic Plan 2018-2022, ADEA will continue to empower African countries to develop education and training systems that respond to their needs and drive Africa’s sustainable and socioeconomic transformation aligned to Africa’s Agenda 2063, the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25) and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
For more information, please contact:
- Raky Gassama, Knowledge Management Officer, ADEA, T. (+225), E.
- Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communications Officer, ADEA, T. (+225), E.
About ADEA
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is the voice of education in Africa and a key network of Education Ministries. It plays a significant role in the education space as a convener, knowledge creator and forum for policy dialogue, working through its Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs) and the Task Force on Education Management and Policy Support. ADEA contributes to the empowerment of African countries to develop quality education and training systems that respond to the countries' emergent needs and drive social and economic transformation sustainably.
[1] ADEA Inter-Country Quality Nodes: 1. Early Childhood Development (ICQN-ECD) in Mauritius; 2. Literacy and National Languages (ICQN-LNL) in Burkina Faso; 3. Mathematics and Science Education (ICQN-MSE) in Kenya; 4. Peace Education (ICQN-PE) in Kenya; 5. Teaching and Learning (ICQN-TL) in Rwanda along with the Network of African Learning Assessments (NALA) in Senegal (Francophone node) & Zambia (Anglophone node); 6. Technical and Vocational Skills Development (ICQN-TVSD) in Côte d'Ivoire; 7. Higher Education and Scientific Research (ICQN-HESR) in Senegal; 8. Non-Formal Education (ICQN-NFE) in Burkina Faso; and 9. Secondary Education (ICQN-SE) to be launched in 2020 and hosted by Botswana.