ADEA News Briefs, September - October 2014

Version française de ce bulletin : Brèves de l'ADEA, septembre - octobre 2014

Dear readers,

Scientific and technological skills are critical for building globally competitive African societies driven by knowledge and innovation. Accordingly, STI features as a high priority in most continental programs and frameworks addressing human capital development – e.g. AU’s 2024 Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation for Africa, the Pan-African University, the AfDB’s Human Capital Development Strategy, the Common African Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, UNESCO’s Priority Africa 2014-2021 program and ADEA’s Strategic Policy Framework adopted by African Heads of State at AU’s 10th Summit held in Addis Ababa in 2013.

In this Bulletin, we are pleased to report how ADEA is pushing the science, technology and innovation (STI)  agenda forward – this year through its active engagement in the 2nd Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) held in Rabat, Morocco – and soon through a revived Working Group on Higher Education putting emphasis on STI.

In this issue, we also introduce ADEA's Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS) - see the Box on the right on "Data innovations in education in Africa" - and the role WGEMPS is playing in the Data Revolution. Other Working Groups and ongoing programs will be presented in future issues.

The ADEA team 



Pushing the higher education, science and technology agenda

ADEA actively engaged in the 2nd Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), which took place October 14-17, 2014 in Rabat, Morocco.

For several months it has helped organize the Forum, alongside the African Development Bank (AfDB), the government of  Finland and other partners.  It chaired a session on linking Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) to  STI to fuel growth and create jobs... Read more

▸ Ministers sign Declaration to Boost STI in Africa

▸ ADEA advocates for improved MSE

 Read the Rabat Declaration

 View the 2nd STI Forum web site


Participate in the Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA)

Deadline for submitting proposals is postponed to November 16, 2014

The competition for the 3rd and 4th editions of the Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA) is still open. Click here to access the call for proposals... Read more

ADEA in Action

Policy briefs summarize RECs’ progress  towards Second Decade for Education in Africa goals 

The policy guides measuring the progress made by the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in eight priority areas targeted by the Second Decade of Education for Africa are now available... Read more

ADEA shares its role in ICT in Education at UIS workshop in Harare

ADEA reported on its program to integrate ICTs in education during the workshop on ICTs in education statistics organized by UNESCO's Institute for Statistics... Read more

Preliminary results of Peer Review Exercise in Burkina Faso are released

The preliminary results of the Peer Review exercise conducted in Burkina Faso have been released... Read more

Ministry of Education and partners validate Mozambique EMIS Peer Review report

The report of the Peer Review exercise conducted to assess Mozambique's EMIS has been shared and approved... Read more

ADEA participates in review of Congo’s education system 

Experts from ADEA, Congo, Burkina Faso, and Seoul University have completed a review of Congo’s education system... Read more

ECD is high on agenda of Senegal's National Education Conference  

ECD becomes a high priority for Senegal after the National Education Conference is held... Read more

ICQN-ECD mission and mandate to be defined before launching of ICQN in February

The meeting that will be held by ADEA's Working Group on ECD and the government of Mauritius in November will define the Inter-Country Quality Node's mandate and priorities ... Read more

ADEA attends AU Meeting on Accountability Framework for CAP Post 2015 Agenda

The AUC organized a Regional Forum on Building an Accountability Framework for the Common African Position on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, which was attended by ADEA... Read more

APENF wins 2014 UNESCO Confucius Award on International Literacy Day

The Association for the Promotion of Non-Formal Education (APENF) is one of the fortunate winners of the prestigious UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy in 2014... Read more

Thank you Teachers!

As we celebrate World Teachers Day, let us be reminded of the importance of the challenges faced globally and in Africa in this area... Read more


This month’s video

Oley Dibba-Wadda, Executive Secretary, ADEA

Opening of 2nd Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Africa
Rabat, Morocco, October 15, 2014


ADEA News Briefs is published by the ADEA Secretariat
  Contact us


▀ Skilling Africa: The Paradigm Shift to Technical and Vocational Skills Development

Data Innovations in Education in Africa

ADEA’s support to the data revolution

The post-2015 agenda is calling for a data revolution. Concerns have been voiced that Africa needs to come on board statistically if it is to properly engage in innovative solutions to its development challenges. ADEA is rising to the challenge by piloting data innovations in the education and training sector across the continent through Regional Economic Communities and with countries..Read more

Resources and Knowledge

ADEA Resources

2nd Forum on STI website 

Lifelong acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge and skills for Africa's sustainable Development

▀ Regional reviews of progress made in reaching 2nd Decade of Education goals

    ▸ IGAD Review

    ▸ SADC Review

    ▸ ECOWAS Review

    ▸ EAC Review

▀ ADEA Channel on YouTube

Other Resources

A decade of development in sub-Saharan African science, technology, engineering and mathematics research

 Common African Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development Agenda


41th Session of the ADEA Steering Committee, Ethiopia, Adis Ababa, December 9-10, 2014

More events at:

ADEA (1988-2013)

ADEA was founded in 1988. Since its creation 25 years ago it has grown from a donor-driven platform for coordinating development aid to a vibrant network of African education and training Ministries, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, educational researchers, practitioners and experts, and from Africa and around the world.

Hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) since 2008, ADEA aspires to the vision of high quality education and training geared towards the promotion of critical skills and competencies for Africa’s accelerated and sustainable development.

Its programs are implemented by the ADEA Secretariat and by its Working Groups, Task Forces and Inter-Country Quality nodes, which address specific themes and challenges in the education field.

For more information go to the ADEA web site at

Access latest news and find out about ADEA, its members, activities and publications at


ADEA is hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB)
