ICQN-MSE News Brief, November - December 2014

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The 40th ADEA Steering Committee Meeting held in Tunis in May 2014 transformed the Working Group on Mathematics and Science Education (WGMSE) into the Inter-Country Quality Node on Mathematics and Science Education (ICQN-MSE). The ICQN-MSE is therefore in the process of establishing its organizational and administrative structure. This has started off earnestly at Center of Mathematics Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA), the Secretariat of ICQN-MSE in Kenya. 

The Director CEMASTEA, appreciating the great responsibility placed on the institution as the Secretariat and host institution of the ICQN-MSE, has constituted an internal committee to plan, organise, coordinate the implementation and reporting on ICQN-MSE activities. The committee consists of the centre’s six Programme Coordinators and is chaired by the ICQN-MSE Coordinator. CEMASTEA organized a one-week retreat for the ICQN-MSE to develop essential materials for moving the ICQN forward. The Committee developed funding proposals to potential development partners, ICQN-MSE website design, Concept note for the ministerial conference on ICQN-MSE and a draft outline of the ICQN-MSE newsletter. This demonstrates the secretariat’s commitment to see the ICQN-MSE take off.  

In December, the ICQN-MSE will participate in the 41st ADEA Steering Committee meeting to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It will be represented by CEO of the Host Institution and ICQN-MSE Coordinator. The Coordinator will also participate in 7th Policy Dialogue Forum of the International Taskforce for Teachers for EFA which will be conducted in Morocco on 15-19 December 2014. The forum will: 

  1. Share relevant knowledge, experiences and tools on how teacher targets and indicators could be developed to implement and monitor national teacher policies. 
  2. Gather inputs for concrete recommendations on teachers for the development of the framework for action, which will be discussed at the 2015 World Education Forum in Korea.
  3. Reach consensus on recommendations for actions to be pursued at country, regional and/or international levels with regard to teacher effectiveness. 
  4. Identify ways of enhancing collaboration and partnership among various teacher stakeholders at country, regional and/or international levels with a view to achieving the teacher-related target in post-2015 international education agenda.