Call for Papers, Blogs, and Articles

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The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) has established its credentials over the years in facilitating learning, policy dialogue, and participatory knowledge sharing between African ministries of education, development partners, and non-state actors. ADEA is working to ensure that user-friendly knowledge is generated, made accessible, well managed, and shared among education stakeholders in Africa. The ADEA Secretariat has produced some top-notch knowledge resources on critical educational themes, from education financing, education management, learning assessment, etc., and has been monitoring the impact of the pandemic on the education systems of African countries through the Observatory for Knowledge Exchange and Innovation on COVID 19.

However, there are more indigenous educational practices and innovative education policies that are being implemented on the continent but are not sufficiently captured on traditional knowledge platforms. There are very few learning and knowledge-sharing platforms from Africa with tested ideas and practical solutions from education practitioners and policymakers. Most qualitative knowledge products on African education policies and practices are produced in technical jargon and lengthy reports by academicians, researchers, or institutes.

Therefore, ADEA envisions becoming the thought leader and one-stop platform where education stakeholders would exchange best practices and find timely, concise, comprehensive, and clear knowledge products with practical recommendations and actionable solutions on Africa’s major educational challenges. Using a participatory and interdisciplinary approach, these knowledge products would be opinion pieces and policy analyses from a diverse range of education stakeholders (students, researchers, teachers, decision-makers, etc.)


Submission of papers/articles/blogs would be aligned with ADEA strategic themes and connected to its Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs). All papers/articles must be sent to Mr. Shem Bodo,, with copy to the ADEA Secretariat,

All articles should be focusing on issues related to:

  1. Foundational Learning
  2. Early Childhood Development
  3. Secondary Education
  4. Higher Education and Scientific Research
  5. Technical and Vocational Skills Development
  6. Peace Education
  7. Non-Formal Education
  8. Literacy and National Languages
  9. Mathematics and Science Education
  10. Teaching & Learning
  11. Books and Learning Materials

Types of Publications

  1. ADEA Blogs are shorter articles of a max of 800 words. Contributors can use blogs as a medium to provide expert views on specific topics or provoke debates and discussions on key issues connected to our Inter-Country Quality Nodes. Interested contributors will be provided with the Association’s blog guidelines to aid them.
  2. ADEA Editorials consist of a compilation of a minimum of 4 blog articles by the same author or different articles by different authors on the same issue or thematic discourse.
  3. ADEA Op-Eds are thought-provoking and intellectually engaging write-ups that provide critical reflections and analysis of issues relevant to educational practices and policies in Africa. The approximate number of words is 2000.

Whenever possible, authors of these publications could be invited to ADEA or partners’ events where they could share their findings and recommendations.

Application Documents

For blogs and Op-Eds, we encourage contributors to share an overview or synopsis of the idea with ADEA via email stating a deadline for which they intend to submit the first draft. ADEA will either confirm the theme(s) or follow up with the contributor for clarity and confirmation. If the contributor intends to submit an Issue Paper, we encourage him/her to submit the following.

  1. An abstract (400 words max) that provides an overall idea of how the contributor seeks to address one or more of the issues raised in the call.
  2. Author’s Name, Affiliation, Email Address, Phone Number

Authors interested in contributing are encouraged to share their idea via email for exploration and discussion. They can also contact Mr. Shem Bodo,, with copy to the ADEA Secretariat,, to check the suitability of their proposed contribution.


  1. Launch of the permanent call for contribution
  2. Reception and review of papers/articles/blogs from education experts
  3. Design and production of supporting information and promotional materials
  4. Publication of the designed knowledge product on ADEA platforms
  5. Dissemination via communication channels and promotion via ADEA e-news, targeted newsletters, and during relevant official events (HLPDF, partners events, etc.)
  6. Monitoring and collection of readers’ feedback and post-engagement.

Key Target

  1. Ministries of Education
  2. Development partners
  3. Education experts and practitioners
  4. Academic institutions and students’ associations
  5. Continental and regional bodies, civil society, and private sector actors
  6. Internal stakeholders (ADEA governance bodies, the Secretariat and ICQNs)

Final Considerations

  1. All inquiries or contributions can be submitted to Mr. Shem Bodo,, with copy to the ADEA Secretariat,
  2. Each published article is designed and disseminated on international platforms
  3. Previous blogs from ADEA are accessible here
  4. Some articles would also be disseminated on ADEA partners’ platforms such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)