Gender and Literacy: How to Build Research Capacity in Africa By Medel-Añonuevo Carolyn and Bolly Madina
Considering that literacy is a fundamental right for both men and women, how can we explain why 62% of African women are refused the right to literacy training? On current trends, nearly 800 million adults, including a high proportion of women, will still be illiterate in 2015. How can these trends be reversed? Despite stakeholders' desire to comply with international commitments on gender equality and the empowerment of women, their efforts are still insufficient to meet the challenge. The UIL is seeking to address this issue by building capacity for research on gender and literacy. It has adopted a two-pronged approach to achieving training objectives in countries such as Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, all of which have very low literacy rates, particularly among women. The main strategy underlying the training program was based on a constant concern with initiating a learning dynamic. It was found that, in order to bring about real change, special attention should be given to three aspects: 1) rethinking literacy policies and programs in a gender perspective; 2) developing a strategy for creating a critical mass of stakeholders with expertise in gender and literacy and investing more in research in these fields; 3) initiating learning dynamics in order to produce tangible results.
Gender and Human Rights in African Education Systems: Guidelines and Actions—A Practical Guide Contributions: African Union/CIEFFA, Swiss Cooperation Agency, the Economic Commission for Africa's African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ECA/ACGSD), UNICEF, Embassy of Canada, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), Gender Common Fund in Burkina Faso.
This guide aims to help bring qualitative and quantitative improvement in education for girls and women in Africa and to reduce gender inequality. It considers education systems at various levels such as teaching and learning, formal and non-formal education, etc. while emphasizing the link between "gender" and "the right to education". It is intended for all stakeholders in education: policymakers, technical and financial partners, and practitioners. It contains worksheets for analysis and action by sub-theme, with each worksheet designed for a specific category of stakeholder. These thematic worksheets cover the integration of gender and the right to education in policy, the planning process and educational practice, and the socio-economic context that is conducive to equality. Good practice is illustrated by examples from African countries.
Learning from Reflect experience in Burkina Faso By KAM Ollé Franck, SOME Magloire, ZABSONRE/TASSEMBEDO Sanata, OUEDRAOGO/ZONGO Eléonore
This document produced by Pamoja Burkina Faso and the Association for the promotion of non formal education (APENF) is a product of the work carried out using the Reflect approach in Burkina Faso. Reflect is a non formal education approach practiced on an international level. It is applied in Burkina Faso since 2002 by APENF; in the meantime, Reflect has become the second most used non formal education approach in Burkina Faso. This document gives an insight into the internal and external efficiency of Reflect and proposes some lessons learned and guidelines for its implementation.
Strategic Orientation Framework for Non-Formal Education in a Holistic, Integrated and Diversified Vision of Lifelong Education By Wim Hoppers and Amadou Wade Diagne
This strategic orientation framework puts forward a vision of high-quality education encompassing the full diversity of learning modes in order to meet the varied needs and situations of learners. It promotes all forms of education – formal, non-formal and informal – as well as mobility and crossovers between education sub-systems. The framework is intended as a diagnostic tool for African education systems and an aid for the (re)formulation of education policies. It identifies ten strategic areas for implementation, ranging from research to governance to capacity building.
Non Formal Education Making the Connections: Why Literacy Matters for HIV Prevention By MEDEL-ANONUEVO, Carolyn and DIARRA Mamadou, Cheick
This study is the fi rst of a UIE launched series entitled “Literacy Matters”. This issue, which looks at the relationship between literacy and HIV prevention education, is the result of the work carried out by UIE in collaboration with the ADEA WGNFE. It examines the contribution of non-formal education to HIV prevention, and demonstrates how literacy – one of the key areas of non formal education – is making a difference in HIV prevention through innovative approaches, in particular through community participation.
Achieving Education for All: The Case for Non-Formal Education. Report of a symposium on the implementation of alternative approaches in the context of quality education for allEdited by OSMAN, Amina
This report of a symposium on the Implementation of Alternative Approaches in the context of Quality Education for All, organized in Burkina Faso by the ADEA Working Group on Non Formal Education, looks at theoretical issues and presents findings of research carried out in Burkina Faso on indicators to measure the effectiveness of the right to education. The second part contains case studies from seven African countries (Gambia, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia) showing the diversity and potential of non-formal education.
Non-Formal Education in Urban Kenya, Findings of a Study in Kisumu, Mombasa and Nairobi By THOMPSON, Ekundayo J.D.
This document reports the findings of a study on 88 Kenyan non-formal schools and centers in Kisumu, Mombasa and Nairobi. Carried out to generate data and information for further understanding of the non-formal sector, the study provides informed measures needed to improve the quality of non-formal education. It is a useful source of information to stakeholders, policy makers and all those involved in providing education opportunities to out of school youth and children.
Diversifying Education Delivery Systems: Reviving Discourse on the Formal/Non-formal Interface
This document reports on a workshop on nonformal education, held in Botswana in June 1999. The workshop aimed at: gathering the existing collective knowledge on the subject; initiating a process of educational reform; taking stock of current ideas, policies and practices; exploring the desirability and potential for interfacing with other learning provisions; and developing proposals for action. A diskette of appendices to the workshop report is attached.
National Symposium on Non Formal Education (Maputo Mozambique, 12-14 June, 2002)
This Final Report of the National Symposium on NFE, organized by the UNESCO Maputo Office in collaboration with the ADEA WGNFE., includes papers on: Non-Formal Education in Zambia: Experiences of the Working Group on Non-formal Education in Zambia (E. Mumba), Síntese da Intervenção da AAEA. Angola (Vítor Barbosa, Non-Formal Education in Uganda, which way?) Patrick Kiirya, A Experiencia da Alfabetização e da Educação Básica de Adultos em Cabo Verde (Cap Vert) António da Silva; UNESCO Workshop on Non Formal Education (NFE) in Mozambique, Final Report.
Cream Wright, Learning How to Mainstream: Experiential knowledge and Grounded Theory; Thompson, Ekundayo J.-D., Successful Experiences in Non-Formal Education and Alternative Approaches to Basic Education in Africa;
Mulugeta Emebete, Mainstreaming and Marginalisation of NFE in Ethiopia;
Rosa-Maria Torres, Amplifying and Diversifying Learning: Formal, Non-formal and Informal Education revisited
Non-Formal Education and Quality Basic Education for All. Symposium for the Establishment of the ADEA Kenya Country Working Group on Non-Formal Education, Mombasa, Kenya, 11-14 April, 2000
Papers presented at this symposium covered the following themes: Policy framework for NFE and the role of NFE in national development; interfacing of education and implications for access, retention and achievement; sustainable uses of literacy; and the role of post-literacy in creating a literate environment. Several case studies and presentations related to the provision and sustainability of non-formal education are also provided.
The Dynamics of Non-Formal Education - Volume I. Report on the Pre-Biennial Symposium and Exhibition Johannesburg, South Africa, 1-4 December 1999 Prepared by MANNATHOKO, Changu; OSMAN, Amina and WRIGHT, Cream
This collection of papers presents the outcome of a symposium on the Dynamics of Non-formal Education (NFE) held in Johannesburg in December 1999. The documents presented covered the following subjects: (1) Policy and planning/management issues of NFE and the overall challenge of lifelong learning (contributions by R. Avenstrup, W. Hoppers, J.Moulton and R. Williams) (2) Examples of NFE programmes, with emphasis on context-specific learning needs and demands (by M. A. Sow, F. Niada, E. Rahman and M.Ibrahim) (3) Conceptual and practical issues of basic literacy and NFE programmes for adults (C. Hoppers, J.D. Thompson, CLUSA and K. Alam).
The Dynamics of Non-Formal Education - Volume II. Papers presented at the Pre-Biennial Symposium and Exhibition Johannesburg, South Africa 1-4 December 1999 Compiled and edited by HOPPERS, Wim; MOULTON, Jeanne and OSMAN, Amina
This report provides a summary of the substantive issues discussed at the pre-biennial Symposium and Exhibition on the Dynamics of Non-Formal Education, held on 1-4 December 1999 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The symposium and exhibition were held at the initiative of the ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) and brought together a diverse group of policy makers, researchers, practitioners and development agencies, all committed to the achievement of the goal of Education for All (EFA) through the diversification of education provision and the strengthening of alternative approaches to learning. Technical papers reflecting key issues and case studies that were presented at the symposium are published in a separate volume.
Diversifying Education Delivery Systems: Reviving Discourse on the Formal/Non-formal Interface. Workshop on Non-formal Education Gaborone, Botswana, 23-26 June 1999
This workshop aimed at: gathering the existing collective knowledge initiating a process of educational reform; and developing proposals for action. It included presentations on: Diversification of Adult Education Provision in Zambia (E. Mumba); The Case of Non-formal Education Provisions in Namibia (S. A. Indabawa), ASECA: Empowering Adult Learners (J. Rabinowitz); The Learning Nation, A Namibian Policy on Lifelong Learning (J. Ellis); Non-formal Education in Lesotho: Current Status (J. P Lefoka); Management Issues for Integrated Diversity (R. Williams), Developing Effective, Relevant and Empowering Primary Educational Pathways and Support Services for Out-of-School Overage Children (Jean Pease); Issues in Policy and Provision of Non-formal Basic Education in East and Southern Africa (T. Maruatona); A Systemic Approach to the Problems of Jomtien (W. Hoppers), Interfacing NFE and Open Learning Provisions with Mainstreamed Education in the Context of Emerging Conceptualizations (F. Youngman).
Competency-based Community Skills Development
The notion of workforce education holds much promise for dealing with the lack of skilled human resources on the one hand, and shortage of employment opportunities on the other. The Capacity 2000 workshop, held in Namibia in 1997, was successful in accomplishing the formation of an advisory council to guide and develop the improvement of competency-based skills training. This workshop report has been reproduced in order to make the concept and potential impact of workforce training more widely available.
Assembly on Nonformal Education, Dakar, Senegal (12-14 October 1997)
This assembly was organized by the ADEA Working Group in order to share information on the group's mission and role. The meeting also provided the opportunity to exchange information on the activities and organization of national working groups, discuss issues, concerns and priorities in the provision of nonformal education, discuss the findings of working group sponsored research, and identify areas of collaboration with other ADEA working groups. This document summarizes the discussions at the meeting.
WGNFE Newsletter
The Working Group on Non-Formal Education Newsletter has contributions relating to activities in several countries, as well as regional and international activities involving African countries. Latest edition: The 2005 Spring Edition: "NFE Initiatives in Kenya - Challenges and Achievements".