WGFE Archived Publications

Finance and Education Country case studies. Education and Financing in Africa: The Kenyan Case Study AYAKO, Aloys B.; KATEMBU, Titus M.; NZOMO, Juliana W.; and MONYONCHO, John K.M.
This study is part of a series which analyses the best practices used in managing and allocating resources, and evaluating the education sector. This study explores ways of reinforcing the capacity and competence of the Ministry of Education in Kenya in building a framework for collaboration, information exchange and the optimal use of fi nancial resources. It highlights challenges in determining fi nancing, countering imbalances between personnel and non personnel salaries, poor management of resources and lack of accountability, and effectively handling centralized budgeting and management systems. The study offers original directions for a comparison with other African experiences. CODESRIA and ADEA 2006; 200 pages; ISBN: 2-86978-177-6. Price: Africa: FCFA 7500; Non-CFA zone:
$15.50; Elsewhere: $20.95. Available in English only.

Financement de l’éducation au Burundi.(Financing of Education in Burundi) By NIYONGABO, Jacques; BANDEREMBAKO, Déo; GAHUNGU, Frédéric; BAZIKAMWE, Oscar; KEBEYA, Evariste and GASUHUKE, Jacques.
This study of Burundi by the Working Group on Finance and Education provides an overview of the country’s education system and analysis of the social, political and economic context. It focuses on the formulation and implementation of past and current education policy and discusses education fi nancing mechanisms. It examines in depth the process of budget preparation, execution and control as well as the integration of planning, programming and budgeting at operational level. It gives direct consideration to the question of optimal resource allocation and management and offers causal and general analysis of the issue of education fi nancing. It makes a series of suggestions concerning the search for solutions and recommendations to improve fi nancial management of the education system, presents a detailed analysis of the development problems of community-based junior secondary schools, and recounts the history of the establishment of a new school. CODESRIA et ADEA 2006. ISBN : 2-86978-177-8. Prix: Africa: FCFA 7500; Non-CFA zone: $15.50;ailleurs: $20.95.Available in French only.

Education Finance in Egypt by Diaa El Din Zahir, Kamal Hosney Bayoumy, A. El Shukhebi & M. Abdel Kader
CODESRIA & ADEA 2006 110 pages; ISBN : 2-86978-175-X Africa: CFA 7500; Non-CFA zone: $15.50; Elsewhere: $20.95
The Egypt study by the Education and Finance Working Group of CODESRIA provides a three-part well documented in-depth analysis of the financing of all levels of education of Egypt. Part I of the study highlights the economic, social, and political context of education, presents a historical perspective on the various educational policies formulated and implemented under the different regimes that ruled Egypt from the beginning of the 19th century till the liberalization and privatization era of the early 1970s, provides an in-depth account of education finance, budgetary procedures at the local educational directorates, underscores issues plaguing the financing of education, and suggests solutions for the improvement of educational finance in Egypt. Part II presents a monograph that analyzes teachers' wages and suggests alternatives to alleviate their negative impact. Part III is a reporting on the operations related to the construction and the management of school buildings with a special emphasis on their costs.

The Financing and Cost of Education in Mauritius by Suddhoo, A.; Mohadeb, P.; Bhowon, R.; Emrith, F.; Dabee, R. and Rajabalee, N.
Written in collaboration with the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), ADEA and the Ministry of Education, Mauritius, 2001. ISBN: 2-86978-100-8.
This book presents the findings of the study carried out by the Mauritius team. It describes and analyses the various strategies for funding of education available and the actual financial resources allocated to develop the various levels of education in the country as well as the global and unit costs and budgetary practices in force. Recommendations are made to improve the financial and budgetary management of African educational systems.

Education Financing and Budgetary Reforms in Africa. The Swaziland Case Study by Akinkube, Oluyele and Kunene, Vusi
Written in collaboration with the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), ADEA and the Ministry of Education Mbabane, Swaziland, 2001. ISBN: 2-86978-102-4.
Carried out by a country team of researchers from the Swaziland ministries of education, finance, the university and an assembly of NGO's, this research project presents the nature and structure of the budgetary reforms carried out over the years. It identifies and analyses the optimal mix of resources as well as the best management and evaluation practices in the Swaziland educational sector in view of contributing to the financial and budgetary management of the educational system.

Policies, Procedures and Strategies for the Allocation of Resources for Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Review of the Literature by Beedeeanum Conhye and Medjomo Coulibaly.
ADEA Working Group on Finance and Education, CODESRIA, 1999. ISBN: 92-9178-006-5.
Also exists in French.
Contrary to other areas of the education sector, research in educational financing raises only timid interest in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, financing is one of the keys to transforming educational systems into veritable instruments of socio-economic and technical development. This literature review carries out an examination of budgetary processes and procedures through various national experiences. It includes several financing and cost-sharing experiences at the primary and secondary levels. It also examines non-government financing in the light of the changes that have occurred in recent decades. The paper concludes by proposing future directions for education research.

Forthcoming Titles...
Education Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa Training Manual on Costs, Financing and Education Budgets

Publications available in French only
Le financement de l'éducation au Sénégal
(The Financing of Education in Senegal) Financement de l'éducation et réformes budgétaires au Bénin
(The Financing of Education and Budgetary Reforms in Benin) Le financement de l'éducation, problématique du partage des co¾ts et des réformes budgétaires : Cas de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire au Niger
(Financing Education, Cost Sharing and Budgetary Reforms) Financement et gestion financière de l'éducation en Afrique
(Financing and financial management of education in Africa)