Continental Framework on Book and Reading Policy Formulation in Africa
The AU organised the First Pan African Conference on Rebuilding Education in March 2009, which involved key book sector organisations from across Africa. The conference focussed on four key themes, namely African languages, curriculum, reading and writing and book sector development. One of the outcomes of the conference was a draft continental book policy framework, outlining areas that need to be urgently developed across the book chain if the sector is to truly meet the renaissance educational needs of the continent.
In June 2019, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the Global Book Alliance (GBA) was joined by the AUC in convening a high level regional workshop on national book and reading policies in Africa to update the first draft and consolidate efforts to encourage African governments and international key partners to facilitate the formulation, ratification and implementation of NBRPs in the continent. This Continental Framework on Book and Reading Policies Formulation therefore represent the concerns, interests and intentions of Africa’s policy makers in the relevant ministries and at the highest levels.