Leadership Capacity Building Workshop on Early Childhood Education and Development
ADEA’s Inter Country Quality Node on Early Childhood Development (ICQN-ECD), which is hosted by Mauritius, is organizing a Leadership Capacity Building Workshop scheduled to be held in Mauritius from 24 to 26 June 2019.
Intensifying and expanding sustainable leadership capacity for ECED in Africa is critical for the achievement of the global goal for early childhood development (SDG 4.2), the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) and its ECED Cluster objectives identified by the Working Group on “Access to Quality ECED Programmes and Services”.
The Leadership Workshop, themed “Making it to 2030 and contributing to Africa’s Agenda 2063” seeks to engage participants in policy implementation issues relating to quality improvement and, more specifically, to strengthening the ECED workforce in key aspects of programming including measurement of early learning.
The ECED Leadership Workshop is being held in collaboration with the AUC and partner organisations, namely, the Africa Early Childhood Network and USAID and will bring together senior officials of African Ministries of Education, civil society actors, regional economic communities and development partners and professionals engaged in ECED.