Ethics Teacher Training Course

10 November 2014 to 14 November 2014

The Ethics Teacher Training Course in Egerton, Kenya is a collaborative effort involving UNESCO, Egerton University and the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO. The Course offers a unique opportunity for participants from Kenya and from other countries in the region to enhance their teaching capacities in ethics. Deadline for registration: 22 September 2014.

The Ethics Teacher Training Course (ETTC) is designed to advance pedagogical capacity for ethics teaching and improve the quality of ethics education around the world. 
Ethics Teacher Training Course is conducted by a team of international experts with extensive experience in ethics education. 

The Course is based on a five-day training module developed by UNESCO in collaboration with the global experts in ethics education. 

The module contains the following key components:

  1. Global Perspective on Ethics Teaching: trends, challenges and opportunities 
  2. The UNESCO Core Curriculum as a tool for promoting quality ethics education 
  3. Ethics Teaching in Action: what and how to teach (a model lesson) 
  4. Workshop: Sharing experiences in ethics teaching from the local perspective 
  5. Classroom communication: pedagogy and psychology of ethics teaching 
  6. Simulated teaching presentations by participants followed by feedback from the Course instructors 

For more information: Please contact Mr Abdul Rahman Lamin at UNESCO Kenya (; or visit the website