Norad and ADEA launch the storybook translation initiative and pathfinding pilot for the Digital Public Goods Alliance

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Photo credit: Weya Media

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) in close collaboration with the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) co-organized the official virtual launch of the storybook translation initiative and pathfinding pilot for the Digital Public Goods Alliance on 2nd March 2021 from 10am to 11am GMT on Zoom.

The main objective of this key event was to showcase the promising early results achieved by Rwanda as well as inspire other African countries to join this crucial initiative and translate openly licensed high-quality early grade reading books into different national languages. Rwanda has been the first country in Africa to complete the translations (i.e. 50 English storybooks translated into Kinyarwanda, the national language) as part of the story book initiative.

This virtual event allowed Norad to launch its “pathfinding pilot” for the Digital Public Goods Alliance. Indeed, thanks to the lessons learnt and results achieved by Rwanda and other countries that joined the storybook translation initiative, Norad will be able to showcase those learnings and inspire all countries in need of quality early grade reading resources in national languages.

The video of the launch is available here:


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