ADEA launches its first Leadership Capacity Building Workshop on Early Childhood Development in Mauritius

Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), 19th June 2019 - The Inter-Country Quality Node on Early Childhood Development (ICQN-ECD) of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) will launch a first Leadership Capacity Building Workshop on Early Childhood Development from 24th to 26th June 2019 in Flic-en-Flac, Mauritius.
This first series of leadership capacity building workshops targeting Eastern and Southern African countries is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research of Mauritius, the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Early Childhood Network (AfECN). The Workshop is also supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
The workshop will engage ECD stakeholders and practitioners in policy implementation issues relating to the needs and priorities in the delivery of an integrated package of ECD services. Participants will share country experiences that will contribute to the development of a strategy for strengthening the ECD workforce at the national level and measuring early learning. It will also contribute to the development of an on-line ECD leadership programme for sustainable capacity building. A framework for action for effective implementation of quality ECD programmes, as well as the strengthening of network practitioners leading to the setting up of a professional learning community in ECD, are also part of the expected outcomes of the workshop
The workshop themed "Makingit to 2030 and contributing to Africa’s Agenda 2063" will bring together senior officials of African Ministries of Education, development cooperation agencies, civil society organizations, ECD experts, academics, as well as representatives from Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and stakeholders engaged in the field of Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED).
"This first series of workshops will concretely help African education and training systems to improve the quality of early childhood education and development,” said Albert Nsengiyumva, Executive Secretary of ADEA.
The main objective of the workshop is to take participants through a wide range of ECD issues pertinent to their contextual needs and, more specifically, to:
- create a platform for learning exchanges among participating countries as well as innovation and knowledge sharing;
- engage in policy implementation issues relating to needs and priorities in the delivery of an integrated package of ECED services;
- share country experiences of the current status of ECED workforce;
- support policy implementation at the national level for measurement of early learning; and
- contribute towards the design of an online ECD leadership programme for sustainable capacity building.
“The ADEA’s ICQN on Early Childhood Development is fully committed to support all African countries in sharing best and innovative practices on early childhood education and development in order to create a better future for our future generations”, said Maya Soonarane, ICQN-ECD Coordinator.
For more information, please contact :
- Maya Soonarane, ADEA’s ICQN-ECD Coordinator, Tel: +230 601 5224, Email:
For media inquiries, please contact :
- Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communications Officer, ADEA, Tel: +225 2026 4261, Email:
About ADEA
The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is a forum for policy dialogue. It is a partnership bringing together African policymakers in charge of education, science and technology; development partners; researchers and education technical experts. ADEA contributes to the empowerment of African countries to develop quality education and training systems that respond to the countries' emergent needs and drive social and economic transformation sustainably.