ADEA donates office equipment to Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education

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From left to right: Prof. Paul Mavima, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education of Zimbabwe and Mr. Makha Ndao, Coordinator of ADEA-TFEMPS | Photo credit: MoPSE

The Task Force on Education Management and Policy Support (TFEMPS) of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) handed over on 22nd July 2019 a donation of office equipment to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education of Zimbabwe (MoPSE) that comprised 16 computer desks, 12 office swivel chairs, 3 printer desks, 3 printers, and a scanner. 

In his speech, Makha Ndao, the TFEMPS Coordinator thanked MoPSE, on behalf of the ADEA Executive Secretary, for accepting the donation. He praised the fruitful relationship and strong tie between the two institutions, as Zimbabwe has hosted TFEMPS since 1998. 

Indeed, ADEA and Zimbabwe have been working together on several initiatives, among them the following three main projects: Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) Peer Review based on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) EMIS Norms and Standards; the Zimbabwe e-Data Collection and Capturing project; and the Best Practices in Teacher Management: the experiences of Zimbabwe and Senegal. 

Lastly, Mr. Ndao thanked Hon. Paul Mavima, the country’s Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, for nominating his deputy to participate in the ADEA High-Level Annual Policy Dialogue Forum on Secondary Education in Africa themed “Preparing Youth for the Future of Work” to be held in South Africa from 29th to the 30th  July 2019.

In his remarks, the Deputy Minister, Hon. Edgar Moyo, thanked ADEA for the kind donation which he noted “as evidence of the strong relations between ADEA and MoPSE, and will surely go a long way in helping MoPSE and the Government of Zimbabwe in achieving the goals set by Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Africa’s Agenda 2063.

Hon. Mavima expressed the Ministry’s pleasure in having ADEA as a partner, especially in the field of EMIS. In addition, he stressed the importance of the planned Zimbabwe e-Data Collection and Capturing project by articulating its significance towards the sustainable development and implementation of evidence-based policy in education and training in Zimbabwe. Lastly, the Minister reiterated that “it is now imperative for education in Africa to integrate big-data and data analysis into its data value chain and more importantly to ensure that education data is captured in real-time.”


For more information, please contact:

  • Makha Ndao, Coordinator, ADEA-TFEMPS, E:, T: (+263)

For media inquiries, please contact:

  • Stefano De Cupis, Senior Communication Officer, ADEA, E:, T: (+225)


About ADEA:

The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) is the voice of education in Africa and a key network of Education Ministries. It plays a significant role in the education space as a convener, knowledge creator and forum for policy dialogue, working through its Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs) and the Task Force on Education Management and Policy Support. ADEA contributes to the empowerment of African countries to develop quality education and training systems that respond to the countries' emergent needs and drive social and economic transformation sustainably.