Assessing the School Readiness Initiative in Southern Africa

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The School Readiness Initiative (SRI) looks to build the knowledge, competencies, and capacities among pre-schoolers in vulnerable communities in readiness for school. The initiative ensures that children can succeed when they commence schooling. It helps children get ready for school, ensure families are willing to support their children and schools are ready to welcome pupils. The Roger Federer Foundation is implementing the initiative across six countries in Southern Africa including Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

In this podcast with Martha Khonje and Fortune Thembo of the Roger Federer Foundation, we explore then school preparation and community mobilization aspects of the School Readiness Initiative (SRI), as a solution to address dropouts, attrition, and community involvement in learning. This is a follow-on podcast on the conversation with ZOCs and ROCs in July. It will look at the implementation of the initiative beyond Zambia and must of the Southern Africa.