Invitation to participate in the launch of the UN SDG Book Club - African Chapter

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All schools are invited to join the inauguration activities related to the UN SDG Book Club - African Chapter which will be held at 12:00 pm from Friday, 23rd April 2021 (UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day) to Sunday, 30thMay 2021. It is a 5-week timeline of activities for schools across the continent.

On UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day, the African Chapter will unveil its website hosted by United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) Namibia and the first sets of books (the reading lists) picked by our juries in Arabic, English, French, and Kiswahili which address themes related to the following Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1  NO POVERTY and SDG2 ZERO HUNGER.

To this end, we invite all schools to carry out one or more activities related to the above-mentioned SDGs. For more information, please visit:

School launch activities

Examples of activities ranging from the simple to the more elaborated ones: 

  • Assembly of children chorusing congratulations to the UN SDG BOOK CLUB -African Chapter 
  • Dramatic sketches
  • Poetry performances  
  • Short debates or monologues to advocate for the elimination of poverty and hunger
  • Mime performances
  • Dance  
  • Any other suitable and creative activity

Launch timeline

School launch activities and broadcasts on social media should take place at 12:00 pm Friday, 23rd April 2021 and should come to an end Sunday, 30th May 2021.

  • Pupils in the schools from primary 4-6b and staff are eligible to take part in the activities. 
  • Junior secondary school students from Jss1-3 and staff are eligible to take part in the activities. 

Photos and videos

Remember to share photos and videos of your school activities by tagging the UN SDG Book Club - African Chapter Facebook Page (@unsdgbookclubafricanchapter) and the social media platforms of the organizers: the African Publishers Network (APNET), the Pan-African Writers Association (PAWA), the African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA), the Pan-African Booksellers Association (PABA), Borders Literature for all Nations (BORDERS), and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).

Social media hashtags

Remember to post your videos and photos on your school social media platforms using the following main hashtags: #unsdgbookclubafricanchapter #SDGBookClub #GlobalGoals #SDGs

African Chapter website hosted by UNIC Namibia

The URL to the UN SDG Book Club African Chapter website will be shared via newsletter to schools, book clubs, libraries, and book sellers on the inauguration day on 23rd April 2021 (World Book and Copyright Day) as the tentative date. We will notify you in good time of any changes.

The URL will also be shared by all the organizers through their different social media channels.

African Chapter blog posts

Are there budding writers among your staff and children? 

If so, please send a 100 – 200 word blog post about your launch activities under the auspices of the UN SDG Book Club African Chapter to the organizers by email at:

Blog posts on themes related to SDG1 and SDG2 are more than welcome. 

The best of these blog posts will be published on the SDG Book Club – Africa Chapter website.

Post-inauguration blogging and calendar of event related to the SDG Book Club - African Chapter

We look forward to receiving book reviews of about 50 – 200 words (video reviews and text-based reviews) and other blog posts about the activities of your after-school book club. Send your book reviews and other blog posts to the organizers by email:

We will publish the best of these blog posts on the website of the UN SDG Book Club - African Chapter. 

The organizers will also circulate a calendar of events to Ambassador Schools. The calendar will display the estimated dates (every two months) for updating our reading lists in each of the club’s main languages: Arabic, English, French, and Kiswahili. This calendar will help guide the planning of SDG focused activities for the schools. 

We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing the staff and children of your school on social media at the inauguration and beyond!


For more information, please contact:


Publicity about the African SDG Book Club