Biennale 1999
Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa
Africa's education systems aren't just full of problems and failures. There are also valuable experiences worth learning from and sharing. Since 1998, ADEA has initiated the Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa, an ongoing process that engages Ministries of Education across Africa to look back, assess, and analyze what has worked in their countries. This exercise has produced a rich stock of experiences, taken from the work of 25 country teams and five ADEA Working Groups, that will help countries build on past and present accomplishments.
The synthesis document of the Prospective, Stock-Taking Review and the following reports, classified by country and Working Group are now available online.
- Benin
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : le cas du Bénin
(Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: The Case of Benin)
248kb PDF file - Botswana
ADEA Prospective Stocktaking Capacity Building Study: A Focus on Human Resource Development for the Ministry of Education Botswana
243kb PDF file - Burkina-Faso
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : le cas du Burkina-Faso
(Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: The Case of Burkina-Faso)
This report will be available soon. - Burundi
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : le cas du Burundi
(Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: The Case of Burundi)
This report will be available soon. - Cameroun
Révue étude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : étude des cas du Cameroun
(Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: A Study of Cases in Cameroun)
This publication is available only in French.
262kb PDF file - Côte d'Ivoire
Innovations réussies dans le système éducatif ivorien
(Successful Innovations in the Côte d'Ivoire's Education System)
This publication is available only in French.
636kb PDF file - Equatorial Guinea
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : Expérience préscolaire "non formelle" (rapport descriptif)
(ADEA Prospective Stock-taking Review of Education In Africa: A Case Study of "Nonformal" Preschool Education)
This publication is available only in French.
154kb PDF file - The Gambia
Community Mobilisation in School Mapping
Community Participation in the Management
152kb PDF file - Guinea
Redéploiement des enseignants en Guinée
(Redeployment of Teachers in Guinea)
This publication is available only in French.
142kb PDF file - Lesotho
ADEA Prospective Stock-taking Review of Education In Africa: A synopsis of the Lesotho Case Studies
242kb PDF file - Liberia
Liberia Country Case Study: A Collaborative Exercise
This report will be available soon. - Madagascar
Enseignement Primaire : "Le Contrat-Programme entre l'Etat et l'Ecole/Communauté"
(Primary Education: The Contract Between the State and School/Community)
This publication is available only in French.
415kb PDF file - Mali
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : le cas du Mali
(Prospective Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: the case of Mali)
This publication is available only in French.
173kb PDF file Namibia
Curriculum Reform and Development in Namibia: Reflecting Equity, Access and Quality
79kb PDF fileDevelopment of an Education Management Information System (EMIS) in Namibia
165kb PDF file- Niger
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : la contribution du Niger
(Prospective Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: Niger's Contribution)
This report will be available soon. - Nigeria
Ensuring Access and Equity in Basic Education for Nomads in Nigeria
128 kb PDF file - Senegal
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : Informations complémentaires relatives aux Cas du Sénégal
(Prospective Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: Supplementary Information Relating to the Case of Senegal)
This publication is available only in French.
293kb PDF file - Seychelles
The Major Development of Education in Seychelles (1977-1998)
108 kb PDF file - South Africa
Access and the Higher Education Sector: A South African Case Study on Policy and Programme Achievement
689kb PDF file - Tanzania
Tanzania Mainland Report - The Girls Secondary Education Support Programme
187kb PDF file - Tchad
Etude prospective / Bilan de l'éducation en Afrique : cas des expériences et actions réussies dans le Système Educatif Tchadien
(Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: Successful Experiences in Tchad's Education System)
This report will be available soon. - Uganda
The Ugandan Experience of Universal Primary Education (UPE)
185kb PDF file - Zanzibar
Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa: The Zanzibar Case Study
672kb PDF file Zimbabwe
Informal Sector Training and Resources Network: a Case Study
269kb PDF fileSkills Training Project For Disadvantaged Youth From Mabvuku and Tafara High Density Suburbs
237kb PDF file
Working Groups
- Working Group on Female Participation
A Consultancy Report on Kenya Bursary Scheme, Tuseme Project--Tanzania, Pre-entry Science Program for Girls in Tanzania, ACFODE--Uganda, Ethiopia Strategic Resource Planning
308kb PDF file Working Group on Higher Education
Promoting Access, Quality and Capacity-Building on African Higher Education - The strategic Planning Experience at the Eduardo Mondlane University
71kb PDF fileReforming a National System of Higher Education - The Case of Cameroun
202kb PDF fileUSHEPiA : Building Research Capacity Network in Africa
62kb PDF file- Working Group on the Teaching Profession (Anglophone Section)
Teacher Management and Support: Analysis of Major Achievements
130kb PDF file
Identifying Effective Responses to HIV/AIDS
At the 1999 Biennial Meeting in Johannesburg, ADEA committed itself to undertake activities in the area of HIV/AIDS and education. Using the approach of the Prospective, Stock-Taking Review of Education in Africa which focuses on assets and positive experiences, all Ministers of Education were invited in April 2000 to identify and analyze promising approaches and interventions in the education system that address the problems and issues caused by the epidemic.
Case studies could cover either (i) the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector and its implications for sector management (mainly, in terms of its effects on teachers, students, financing, management, etc), or (ii) ways by which the education sector can respond to the challenges of HIV/AIDS through the transmission of appropriate information, knowledge, skills, and values (the curricular challenge).
One year since the initial invitation letter, 32 Ministries have expressed their interest to participate in the initiative. With 10 of them (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zanzibar), ADEA has agreed on the topic and methodology of the case study. Seven other countries are close to signing an agreement (Angola, Burundi, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Togo). Below is an overview of participating countries and the selected themes.
Seminars to assess progress of case studies
As with the Prospective Review, one essential component of the HIV/AIDS initiative is to invite country teams to seminars to discuss the progress of the case studies. The objectives of the seminars are: (i) to assist the study teams in completing the studies through peer review and expert advice; and (ii) to exchange experiences. The first seminar, with 8 West African countries, took place in Ghana, in March 2001, in connection with a UNESCO meeting on HIV/AIDS and education for ECOWAS countries. A seminar for countries in Southern and Eastern Africa is scheduled for July 2001, in Swaziland.
Although it is too early to draw any conclusions, one finding is that all but one of the case studies focus on curriculum approaches to fight the epidemic, rather than on the management and system-survival challenges. Ghana is the only exception, describing the process of developing their strategic plan for HIV/AIDS interventions in the education sector. Only recently have Ministries started programs to manage the impact of the epidemic on their education systems.
The discussions of the first seminar suggested that the following three approaches may enhance the impact of HIV/AIDS programmes: (i) use of adolescent peer groups to diffuse and develop appropriate knowledge, skills and values throughout the age group; (ii) including HIV/AIDS in the school curriculum, and providing relevant and attractive didactic materials to both teachers and pupils, and (iii) the involvement of NGOs in designing and implementing HIV/AIDS education programmes.
Themes and Topics by Participating Country
Angola | Educational Programs | Evaluation of the Population and Family Life Education program at primary schools |
Burkina Faso | Educational Programs | Assessment of the experimental program to involve the whole village of Gaoua in the struggle against HIV/AIDS and STDs |
Burundi | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences |
Congo | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences |
Côte d'Ivoire | Educational Programs | Assessment of the impact of the anti-HIV/AIDS clubs at schools, which exist for both students and for teachers |
Ghana | System Management | Documenting the process and politics of formulating the Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS in the Education Sector |
Guinée | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences |
Liberia | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences |
Mali | Educational Programs | Assessment of the impact of three initiatives: (i) Education and Family Life Education, (ii) AIDS leaflets and (iii) anti-AIDS clubs |
Namibia | Educational Programs | Assessment of the impact of the My Future is My Choice and other HIV/AIDS programs |
Niger | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences, especially those concerning anti-AIDS clubs |
Senegal | Educational Programs | Evalutation of HIV/AIDS related activities in the areas of (i) training, (ii) information dissemination/awareness raising, and (iii) production of learning materials |
Swaziland | Educational Programs | Assessment of the impact of the HIV/AIDS School Intervention program |
Tanzania | Educational Programs | Evaluation of the TANESA School Program in Mwanza region |
Togo | Educational Programs | Inventory of on-going HIV/AIDS programs; this process will be followed by an analysis of one or more promising experiences |
Uganda | Educational Programs | Inventory of completed interventions with the aim to analyze what has been successful |
Zanzibar | Educational Programs | Assessment of the impact of the School Health Clubs program |