Gender Issues in Post-Primary Education
This paper argues that post primary education in Africa is uneven, biased by gender, location, class and region, resulting in the illiteracy of the majority of girls and women in Africa.The paper argues for provision of good quality formal and non-...
Document format
Conference paper
In sub-Saharan Africa, several interventions aimed at ameliorating the gender inequities in transition to and effective participation in higher education have been implemented Affirmative action policiesand programs have been implemented at the...
Document format
Conference paper
Despite a sincere commitment to achieve Education for All, there is a huge gender gap in secondary schooling: In African countries only one in five girls enrol in secondary school,and countries have large gender gaps. Boys continue to have higher...
Document format
Conference paper
Despite rising enrolments in Africa, gender parity has not yet been attained.The constraints on girls' education are due to both the internal workings of educational systems and their socio-cultural environments. When it comes to post-primary...
Document format
Conference paper
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