WGES Archived Publications

Managing Records at School Level
The objective of this module is to contribute to the growth of the African education community through the creation, management and use of records at all levels of an education system. This document draws attention to the importance of keeping school records and to encourage effi cient and effective use of record keeping. It focuses on the basic skills required for school records management; provides suggestions for creating and maintain standard school records analyzing and reporting them. The module aims to provide a ‘good practice’ framework for record keeping that can be adapted to specifi c country requirements.
Working group on Education Statistics, 2008. Available online at www.nesis.intoweb.co.za. Available in English only.

ADEA WGES Newsletter , ADEA WGES, June 2007
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ADEA WGES Newsletter,ADEA WGES, April 2007
ADEA WGES Newsletter ,ADEA WGES, January 2007

Towards an Information System for Non-Formal Education: A Practical Guide for Practitioners By CHITANDO, Evans Sibangani & RWEZUVA, Simplisio
Working Group on Education Statistics,/National Education Statistical Information Systems (NESIS) 2006. ISBN: 92-9124-052-4. Available in English only. Available in printed format only.
The training guide aims to provide developers of non-formal education (NFE) information systems with the tools and methods for developing and deploying a system. It covers: situational analysis, NFE information systems - pilot project design, analysis of NFE information systems requirements, indicators for non-formal education, collecting data and determinants of data quality.

EMIS Capacity & Priority Identification: A WGES Web-based Country Survey for Ministry of Education personnel in Sub-Saharan Africa
Working Group on Education Statistics, /National Education Statistical Information Systems (NESIS) 2006.
As part of its continuing capacity building efforts in the area of education statistical information systems, the survey was carried out to assess the capacity levels of the Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) units in the ministries of education of participating countries. It looked at Institutional information, including data collection mandates and reporting hierarchy, data collection and processing steps, human and technical resources involved in statistical information systems, information services, publication, dissemination and use of statistical outputs, as well as good practices, challenges and country priorities. This survey report highlights the findings, comments on them and makes observations where appropriate.

Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), an overview By WAKO, Tegegn Nuresu
Working Group on Education Statistics,/ National Education Statistical Information Systems (NESIS) 2003, ISBN: 92-9124-037-0 Available in English only
The objective of this training manual is to lay down the scope, structure, responsibilities of a management in an EMIS office in the ministry of education in sub-Saharan Africa. It is intended for managers that assume new responsibilities in the area of EMIS management. The manual can also be used as a working document by professionals in the EMIS centers of ministries of education, or as a reference guide for staff working in the field of data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination work at regional and sub-regional offices of ministries of education.

Indicators of Educational Disparity By WAKO, Tegegn Nuresu
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics/National Education Statistical Information Systems (NESIS), 2003. ISBN: 92-9124-036-3 Available in English only
The objective of this document is to explain the methods of calculating disparity indicators to be used in compiling or organizing indicators reports. Its aim is to enable users to gain necessary skills for measuring the extent of inequalities that exist among different groups. It outlines the methodology of calculating indicators on the level of inequality and so doing also addresses the levels of equality. Data discussed in this guide are categorized by regions, urban vs. rural, and gender.

Basic Indicators of Education Performance By WAKO, Tegegn Nuresu
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics/National Education Statistical Information Systems (NESIS), 2003, ISBN: 92-9124-035-4 Available in English only
This training manual was prepared to provide personnel working at different administrative levels in the field of education, with basic skills on calculating commonly used education indicators. The manual, which is accompanied by a spreadsheet application on diskette -includes indicators on access to education, extent of coverage and internal efficiency. The most commonly used indicator of quality is also presented, and examples are calculated using a commonly used spreadsheet package (Excel 2000).

Website Development and Hosting By BODO, Shem
NESIS, ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 2002. ISBN: 92-9124-027-8.
Available in English only
This publication stems from sessions of a workshop held in Nairobi in February 2002 on Website development which focused on using modern communication tools to enhance interaction among countries, working groups and the NESIS branches. This manual outlines the criteria for hosting and developing websites, as well as a tutorial on website development using Frontpage 2000.

Communicating in Cyberspace By BODO, Shem
NESIS, ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 2002. ISBN: 92-9124-033-8.
Available in English only
This manual is the fruit of a workshop held in Nairobi in February 2002 on statistics, publications and information systems. It focuses on various aspects of cyberspace communication, in particular online communication, and online learning. A chapter is also devoted to etiquette in network usage as well as gender issues related to online communication.

Assessment of Basic Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990-2000
Education for All: Report from the Sub-Saharan region

Published jointly by the ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, NESIS Regional Centre, and the UNESCO Sub-Saharan Africa EFA Secretariat, 2001. ISBN 092-9124-014-8.
The data and information presented in this report are based on national assessments which encompass statistical indicators and policy reviews of basic learning needs from early childhood to adulthood. It provides useful insight into EFA activities in sub-Saharan Africa over the past ten years and points to where progress can be, or has been achieved. This report reinforces the dialogue on basic learning needs in order to develop strategies for the twenty-first century.

Education Finance
Module 1:
Technical Reference Manual
Module 2: Administration Manual
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1998.
Also exists in French.
This module was prepared to facilitate the often complex and difficult process of collecting statistical information on expenditure and financing of educational systems. The module is comprised of two manuals: the Technical Reference Manual offers a conceptual framework for establishing a coherent system of collection and processing of information on educational expenditure. The Administration Manual describes how to set up and operate an information system in this area.

Database Development
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1998.
Also exists in French.
This module covers the design, development and management of an education statistical database. The main emphasis in this module is on the conceptual design and issues that should be taken into consideration when developing an application for statistical data-processing. Using a model questionnaire for the annual survey of primary schools, the module guides the reader through the steps of creating corresponding tables, defining relationships between the tables, designing data entry forms and reports. Good-practice guidelines, a training manual on using the relevant software and examples are included.

From Diagnosis to Action Plan
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1997.
Also exists in French.
This module provides guidelines for conducting a systematic diagnosis of national education statistical information systems and formulating an action plan in accordance with the diagnostic findings. It contains instructions on how to conduct a survey of consumers and producers of statistics, guidelines for summarizing the survey results, a step-by-step outline for writing a national action plan and a set of model questionnaires for consumers and producers. The module is geared towards education statisticians, planners, systems developers and other experts interested in statistics for education planning and management.

Records Management
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1997.
Also exists in French.
School records management is an integral part of a national education statistics information system, as the records at the school-level are the original source of much of education statistics. The Records Management module contains good-practice guidelines and models and examples of school records pertaining to pupils, teachers, facilities, materials and finance.

Data Collection
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1997.
Also exists in French.
This module gives a general introduction to the design and management of an annual school survey. It contains "good practices" for designing data-collection questionnaires and procedures, within a model country setting. The proposed procedures assume an administrative structure starting from school, to district, province/region and finally the Ministry of Education headquarters. Experiences from nine pilot/test countries have been included.

Education Indicators
ADEA Working Group on Education Statistics, 1997.
Also exists in French.
The Education Development Indicators module is a technical guide providing computer analysis tools and a model of a database application for the development of indicators. The methods and tools of this module also enables the statisticians and planners to easily produce an indicators report on education access, participation, efficiency and disparities.