2nd International Conference on Learning Cities

28 September 2015 to 30 September 2015
Mexico City

The 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC), which is being co-organized by UNESCO and the Government of Mexico City, will be held from 28 to 30 September 2015 in Mexico City, Mexico. This Conference will mark a milestone towards ‘Building Sustainable Learning Cities’ and make a significant contribution to the achievement of UNESCO’s 2030 education agenda.

The Conference will provide a platform for participants to share their expertise, learn from each other’s experience, forge partnerships and create synergies in order to realize the vision of lifelong learning for all. Mayors, city education executives and experts from international organizations, NGOs and corporations dedicated to the promotion of lifelong learning for all are cordially invited by UNESCO and the Government of Mexico City to register at www.learningcities2015.org and to thereby help shape the future of learning cities.

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), as the secretariat of the ICLC and the coordinating body of the GNLC is looking forward to a successful event in Mexico City, and having a strong African delegation at this Conference!

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the Conference at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), Feldbrunnenstr. 58, 20148 Hamburg, Germany; phone: +49 40 44 80 41 12; fax: +49 40 41 077 23; email:learningcities(at)unesco.org.

For those countries that wish to participate, please contact Mrs Raky Gassama-Coly, Knowledge Management Officer, ADEA Secretariat at r.gassamacoly@afdb.org

Please find more information on the Conference here:


