WGMSE joins ICMI to strengthen mathematics education in East Africa

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The Coordinator of WGMSE Mr. Patrick Aluma Kogolla has joined the  International Commission of Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) as a member of the local organizing committee for its fourth Capacity and Network Project (CANP4).

CANP4 project  is organized in collaboration with the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development in East Africa.

CANP4 is slated to be held September 1-12, 2014 in Dar es Salaam. It  will bring together mathematics teachers, teacher educators and curriculum developers from the East African countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.

According to ICMI, CANP4 will seek to build capacity in mathematics education and create a sustainable regional network with a common goal of improving mathematics education. It will entail a variety of activities including:
•    public lecture(s) demonstrating mathematical modeling on real life issues of significance to East Africa;
•    keynote lectures on significant aspects of mathematics education in the region;
•    teacher development workshops on mathematics topics drawn from the regional high school curriculum;
•    media engagement sessions;
•    opportunities for the wider community to participate in mathematical activities.

For more information, contact Patrick Kogolla, pkogolla@gmail.com