WGEMPS assists ECOWAS for EMIS Peer Review in Ghana

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August 25-29, 2014, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will conduct a Peer Review on the implementation of the ECOWAS EMIS Norms and Standards in Ghana. The Peer Review will be carried out with technical assistance from ADEA's Working Group on Education management and Policy Support  (WGEMPS) and financial support from GIZ Backup-Education.

The Norms and Standards, a set of criteria and measures for advocating best practice, help to benchmark countries’ capabilities to produce relevant, accurate, timely and comprehensive education statistics and information. The review team will be made up of EMIS experts from the Gambia, Liberia and Nigeria.

For more information please contact Ms. Angela Arnott, Coordinator, WGEMPS, a.arnott@afdb.org  and copy Ms. Rachel Ogbe, Principal Programme Officer-Education
ECOWAS Commission, rachelogbe@gmail.com