Virtual Network for Vulnerable Youth “ZANKEY FABA” enters African Educational Scene

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In the context of the partnership between ADEA, UIL and Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), a network for vulnerable youth has been launched in Africa to strengthen the socio-economic integration and autonomy of the young people concerned. The network seeks to ensure that more consideration is given to the needs of this target group in terms of literacy, skills and basic know-how. The network is based in the WGNFE where a special team has been set up to provide effective coordination and monitoring of the programme.

Following several months of work an interim report has been produced. The following progress has been made to date: 

  • A platform has been created and is now operational on the website Provision has been made for online discussions and a forum has been created for the purpose.
  • Good practices have also been identified, thanks most notably to the assistance provided by UIL, and are disseminated to the members of associations and organisations in the network.
  • In addition, thematic notes on policies and good practice are produced in order to help youth programme managers get a better grip on the challenges these young people face in their daily lives.
  • And lastly, the WGNFE has revisited the action plans directed at vulnerable young people that have been implemented by a number of countries and the Working Group is committed to assisting countries without an action plan to design their own. 

The Zankey Faba network has aroused considerable interest due to its innovative character. However, its funding comes to an end in December 2014. That is why the WGNFE and its partners consider it necessary to take action to mobilise resources in favour of this network. An advocacy document has been drafted and will be circulated in the autumn of 2014.