UIS 2012 Education survey launch
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has launched its annual survey on education to more than 150 Member States and territories.
Interested readers can consult the three questionnaires which cover pre-primary, primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education; education finance and expenditure; and tertiary education. The 2012 survey collects data for the school year and financial year ending in 2011. It includes a regional module for Africa. The module includes data items on key policy issues in the region, ranging from the recruitment of teachers to the provision of textbooks and basic school facilities, such as drinking water, electricity and girls’ toilets. This regional approach to data collection is intended to broaden the range of UIS indicators while respecting the constraints facing national statisticians. The deadline for submitting data is 29 April 2012.
Source: www.uis.unesco.org.