The Republic of Korea joins ADEA

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ADEA is pleased to welcome the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea within its Steering Committee.

ADEA and Korea – through the government of the Republic of Korea or Korean organizations – have collaborated since several years, with Korea participating in, and/or supporting, the following ADEA activities:

  • the Korea-Africa Day, the first of which was held February 12, 2012, during the ADEA Triennale: The event shared the experience of Korea, which has grown from being one of the poorest countries in the world in the 1960s – with an income per head on a par with the lowest in Africa  – to being  ranked the world’s 15th economic power, as measured by nominal GDP. The country strongly emphasized literacy, lifelong learning, education and research to support nation-building and the country’s development.
  • the Education Research in Africa Award (ERAA): The Ministry of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea contributes to funding of the Award Through the Korea Africa Economic Cooperation Conference (KOAFFEC). The Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE) and Pusan National University based in Seoul are also partners to ERAA. One of their major contributions is organizing the ERAA study tour in Korea, which is offered to the award winners.
  • the Peer Review exercises:  Through Educators Without Borders (EWB), South Korea has participated in the Peer Review exercises in Burkina Faso and Congo Brazzaville, which were conducted in 2013 and 2014.   

For more information contact Thanh-Hoa Desruelles, Principal Communication and External Relations Officer, ADEA,