Rabat hosts Second African Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum

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The 2nd African Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) is currently being held in Rabat, Morocco, from October 14 to 17, 2014.

The Forum is hosted by the Moroccan government and organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the government of Finland, in conjunction with a number of partners, including the African Union, the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), UNESCO, ISESCO, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

The purpose of the Forum is to pursue the dialogue – between policy-makers and the private sector, higher education institutions, the diaspora, civil society and scientific communities – on promotion of science and technology for green, inclusive growth in Africa, as well as youth employment.

The Forum will last four days: a pre-Forum meeting on October 14, the technical meeting on October 15 and 16, and the ministerial meeting on October 17, which will close out the Forum with round-table discussions focused on the African STI agenda.

The program of the Forum calls for the experts to describe the current situation and prospects of STI in Africa. Global best practices and the lessons learned from them will also be shared, at a time when Africa must tackle a number of challenges that have been exacerbated by the population explosion, in the areas of food security, employment, water, energy, health and education.
The delegates will also examine a number of key factors and conditions that need to be established to promote STI in Africa: efficient and optimal use of ICT to accelerate progress toward their development objectives; regulatory systems to ensure quality control and protection of the intellectual property of African scientists and innovators; development of STI skills with an eye to employment and the role of education and training systems.

The expected outcomes of the Forum include: the launch of the first “Africa STI Outlook” report, which will assess annually the current situation of STI in Africa; identification of 10 innovations that will be financed by the AfDB and development partners; better coordination of development aid for STI in Africa; the establishment of a trust fund managed by the AfDB, which will support regional STI networks and flagship STI programs; mobilization of young African scientists for the launch of the African branch of the World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS); and, in the wake of the Forum, a continental action plan for STI.

Some 300 participants are expected in Rabat: ministers and representatives of African ministries of higher education, science and technology, ministries of industry and employment, universities and research institutes; scientists, researchers, businesspeople, members of parliament, representatives of African civil society and development partners.