Quality Node on TVSD prepares a regional event on youth employment

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The Inter-Country Quality Node on Technical and Vocational Skills Development (ICQN/TVSD) is organizing a regional meeting on youth employment, to be held in Abidjan on July 21-23, 2014.

The ministerial conference will try to come to grips with the problem of youth employment, which is one of the greatest challenges facing Africa in its efforts to fight against poverty and to ensure the continent’s sustainable development. It will formulate a regional action plan that can significantly improve young people’s access to jobs.
Thirty-three countries have been invited to participate in the event.

Prior to the main event, an experts’ meeting will be held on March 31-April 1 in Abidjan, to analyze the effectiveness of the training, workforce integration and job creation mechanisms that countries have begun to implement to meet the real needs of the labor market. The analysis will be based on the reports produced by each country invited to participate in the ministerial conference.

Support for the organization of the conference is provided by the cooperation agencies of Germany (GIZ), France (AFD), Switzerland (DDC and Norrag) and Luxemburg (LuxDev), as well as the African Development Bank (AfDB).

For further information, please contact:
Amara Kamaté, ICQN/ TVSD Coordinator: amarakamate25@yahoo.fr
Richard Walther, ICQN/ TVSD Resource person: walther.richard@orange.fr