New publications of the ADEA Working Group on Non Formal Education

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The ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) launches two publications as part of the implementation of the recommendations from the ADEA Triennale 2012.

The first study on ‘Development of a conceptual and methodological approach for common core skills that integrates non formal and a holistic vision’ looks at the place to be given to non formal education in Common Core Skills (CCS) and explores strategies and practical arrangements related to their implementation.

The second report on ‘Innovative approaches, indigenous knowledge and expertise for a better alignment between school and community’ reviews the ways and means to be recommended to African countries to be more sensitive to local educational needs by identifying the potential inputs of African indigenous knowledge and expertise.

Both reports were produced with inputs from the ADEA Secretariat, the WGNFE and key partners of ADEA, particularly: DDC, MENA, PAMOJA, CORADE and ROCARE.

For more information, please contact Mr. Ibrahima Bah-Lalya (Coordinator of the WGNFE):