Ms. Hendrina Doroba is appointed Executive Director of FAWE

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Hendrina Doroba was appointed Executive Director of FAWE in April 2014. Mrs. Doroba brings in many years of leadership in teaching and social development work, with a primary focus on education. She has been working with FAWE since 2007, and has been involved in design and development of gender responsive programmes, training of trainers on FAWE’s gender responsive models, project coordination, monitoring and evaluations and advocacy.

Prior to joining FAWE, Hendrina worked with the Irish Embassy in Zambia as Education Manager; with the Commonwealth Education Fund project;  under Oxfam GB Zambia, as National Coordinator supporting and strengthening the capacities of local education NGOs; and with Ministry of education, Zambia, as a teacher of mathematics and geography.

The Forum of African Women Educationists (FAWE) is an offshoot of ADEA’s former Working Group on Female Participation. In order to ensure that gender concern is cross-cutting in ADEA’s programs, FAWE remains an Associate Member within ADEA’s Steering Committee. 

Ms. Hendrina Doroba, Executive Director of FAWE,