Kenya prepares event to launch ICQN on Maths and Science Education

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The Coordinator of ADEA's ICQN on Mathematics and Science Education (ICQN-MSE) is working with Kenya's Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education – Western, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (SMASE-Africa Secretariat) to organize a conference on MSE that will be hosted by Rwanda November 24-28, 2014...

This conference will provide an opportunity to brief senior education offcicials responsible for MSE in 27 countries of Africa on the creation of ICQN-MSE as a prelude to the launch of the ICQN. 

During the 40th ADEA Steering Committee Meeting held in Tunis on May 13-17, the proposal by Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Jacob T. Kaimenyi to convert the Working Group on Mathematics and Science Education into the Inter-Country Quality Node on Mathematics and Science (ICQN-MSE) was adopted. The Steering Committee also approved Kenya as the Lead Country as well as the the structure and roles of stakeholders. The Centre for mathematics Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) will continue to host the ICQN-MSE

The ICQN-MSE adopted ADEA’s mission and the strategic objectives but with specific reference to mathematics and science education. The aim of ICQN-MSE is therefore is “to serve as an open and flexible pan-African forum to inform and facilitate the transformation of mathematics and science education to contribute to Africa’s accelerated and sustainable development”. The specific objectives of ICQN-MSE are therefore:

SO 1: Advance policies, strategies, practices, and programs that promote critical knowledge and skills in mathematics and science
SO 2: Develop and promote African-led education and training solutions to address national and regional needs
SO 3: Foster greater utilization of relevant ICT to accelerate the transformation of mathematics and science education approaches and outcomes
SO 4: Leverage a diverse, sustainable partner network for MSE
SO5: Strengthen organizational capacity and effectiveness of the ICQN

For more information contact Patrick Aluma Kogolla, Coordinator, ICQN-MSE,