ICQN-TVSD gears up for Ministerial Conference on Youth Employment

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The Ministerial Conference on Youth Employment organized by ADEA’s ICQN on TVSD will take place in Abidjan, July 21-23, 2014. The Conference will share strategies developed by countries to integrate the youth and create jobs for the youth.

The following 17 countries have produced studies describing national strategies to integrate youth into the work force and to create jobs: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 

Eight more studies are being finalized. They concern: Angola, Burundi, Cape Verde, Congo, DRC, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Rwanda.

The studies can be downloaded from the conference web site at http://youthemploymentforum.adeanet.org

The analysis of the strategies will serve the development of a Regional Action Plan that will be adopted by the Ministers at the Abidjan conference.

The conference is organized by ADEA’s ICQN on Technical and Vocational Skills Development (ICQN-TVSD). Technical and financial support is provided by the AFD (France), the AfDB, IDRC (Canada), GIZ, the Swiss Cooperation through NORRAG, the Luxemburg Cooperation and the OIF. Ministerial delegations from some 30 African countries are expected in Abidjan. 

For more information on the conference contact:
Amara Kamate, Technical Advisor, Ministry of State, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Training, Côte d'Ivoire, e-mail: amarakamate25@yahoo.fr   tel: + 225 / 20 33 54 77   or   Richard Walther, International consultant in skills development, e-mail: walther.richard@orange.fr   tel. : +33 / 6 88 06 32 88