ICQN-ECD mission and mandate to be defined before launching of ICQN in February

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The Ministry of Education and Human Resources of Mauritius and ADEA's Working Group on Early Childhood Development (WGECD) are preparing a meeting that will focus on developing a vision, a mandate and a road map for the Inter-Country Quality Node on ECD (ICQN-ECD). The meeting will be held in Mauritius in November 2014.

The objectives of the meeting are:

  • To spell out the vision and mandate of the ICQN and to facilitate the transition from ADEA-WGECD to a new ICQN-ECD platform;
  • To  clarify the respective roles of the coordinating committee and Steering Committee of the ICQN-ECD and the linkages between them;
  • To  set guidelines for drafting an initial action plan for the ICQN that will cover the 2015-2017 period;
  • To  prepare the launching of the ICQN.

This preparatory meeting will lead to the launching of the ICQN-ECD in February 2015. The launch will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, during the UNESCO Regional Conference.

For more information contact: Rokhaya Diawara, Coordinator ADEA Working Group on Early Childhood Development, r.diawara@unesco.org