ICQN on Early Childhood Development (ECD) set ups Secretariat

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ADEA is pleased to announce that the Secretariat for the Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN) on Early Childhood Development has been set up.

The Secretariat of the ICQN-ECD, which is led by Mauritius, is hosted within its Ministry of Education and Human Resources.

The Secretariat is now attending to the initial tasks laid down in its roadmap.
A concept note for the ICQN, the selection of ICQN-ECD countries and a calendar of activities are being developed.

The core team at the Ministry of Education and Human resources working for the ICQN is as follows:
•    Mr M. Gunputh, Acting  Permanent Secretary
•    Mr M. AyoobSaab, Deputy Permanent Secretary
•    Mrs T. Codadeen, Assistant Permanent Secretary
•    Mr Shyam Reedha, Executive Secretary and
•    Mrs. Maya Soonaran, Director, Strategic Planning and International Relations

The objectives of the ICQN - ECD are to:
•    Serve as a forum for advocacy and the scaling up of ECD in the development agenda as a priority;
•    Serve as a regional platform for capacity building, knowledge sharing and peer-learning;
•    Disseminate findings of policy research for countries to translate into effective ECD policies;
•    Develop common core skills in ECD that countries can put at the heart of good quality and relevant basic education;
•    Develop ECD metrics and a Child Development Index to measure progress and provide feedback to policymakers and practitioners on ECD in Africa;
•    Develop an effective communication and dissemination strategy for the promotion of  ECD best practices.

For more information, please contact Mr. Shyam Reedha, Executive Secretary, ADEA  ICQN-ECD,