GESF 2016: ADEA joins Varkey Foundation’s new Alliance for Teachers

12th – 13th March: In the frame of expanding strategic partnerships, the Varkey Foundation identified ADEA as one of the main partners of the Global Education & Skills Forum (GESF) 2016 held in Dubai, which brought together leaders from the public, private and social sectors seeking solutions to achieve education, equity and employment for all.
The ADEA Executive Secretary, Ms. Oley Dibba-Wadda was one the speakers invited on the debate on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. “I believe that investing in STEM and innovation will help Africa to meet the ambitious 2030 Global Agenda as well as Africa’s Agenda 2063 and improve its citizens’ lives. ADEA recognizes the vital role that STEM and innovation, including information and communications technology (ICT), can play to address global challenges and achieve the 17 sustainable development goals” said Ms. Dibba-Wadda.
The Foundation presented prizes to the ten selected recipients of its Global Teacher Prize program, a US $1 million award presented annually to an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. The 2016 winner Global Teacher Prize award was Ms. Hanan Al Hroub from Palestine. She received the Global Teacher Prize award from Sunny Varkey of the Varkey Foundation.
During the GESF 2016, Varkey Foundation took the opportunity to launch three new international alliances of experts from leading private and business organizations, the academia and governments to tackle education's biggest challenges: the Alliance for Girls' Education, the Alliance for Teachers and the Alliance for Innovation. ADEA, through its Executive Secretary, is one of the members of the Alliance for Teachers, which aims at enhancing the teaching profession, while the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), a graduated ADEA's working group, joined the Alliance on Girls' Education as recommended to the Varkey Foundation by ADEA.
Ms Dibba-Wadda joins other members of the Alliance for Teachers, chaired by Ford Foundation Professor of Practice in International Education in Harvard University (USA); the Deputy General Secretary, Education International (Belgium); the Director Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, (Finland); the Director, National Institute of Education (Singapore); the Chief Executive Officer, Teach First (UK); a Teacher from BOFA Primary School (Kenya); the Vice President for Professional Learning and Initial Teacher Training, GEMS Education (UAE); the Executive Director, Laboratório de Educação (Brazil); the Minister of Education (Argentina); the Minister of Education, Universities and Research (Italy); the CEO, Akanksha Foundation, (India); the CEO, Centre for Teacher Accreditation, CENTA, (India) and the Chief Executive, Varkey Foundation (UK).
For further information, contact Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, ADEA Senior External Relations and Strategic Partnerships Officer, or visit:
For media enquiries, please contact Mr. Stefano De Cupis, ADEA Senior Communication Officer