Finland renews Funding Agreement to ADEA for 2014-16

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The government of Finland has renewed is funding agreement with ADEA.

Finland will provide a total of 1.2 Million Euros to ADEA for the period 2014-2016, with a view to establishing and supporting reforms underpinned by strong links between education, training and sustainable development. Education and training aimed at providing African youth with relevant skills and competencies are crucial to help the continent live up to its perceived potential.

The signing ceremony took place in Tunis, on June 13, 2014 at the African Development Bank’s temporary offices in Tunis in presence of the Ambassador of Finland to Tunisia, Mrs. Tanja Jaaskelainen, Aly Abou-Sabaa, AfDB Vice President in charge of Agriculture, Water, Human Development, Governance and Natural Resources, the African Development Bank’s Executive Director for Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and India, Heikki Tuunanen and Thanh Hoa Desruelles, Principal External Relations and Communication Officer, ADEA.

Finland joined ADEA in 1996. Since then, its long standing support has been continuous.  The funding provided for the period 2014-2016 is “non-conditional” and will support ADEA’s general program.   

Press release attached.

For more information, please contact Sabine Diop, Principal Finances and Budget Officer,