ECD is high on agenda of Senegal's National Education Conference

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In large part due to the efforts carried out by ADEA's Working Group on Early Childhood Development (WGECD), Senegal has established a national network of stakeholders with responsibility for Early Childhood Development. August 21st, before Senegal's National Education Conference (Les Assises de l’éducation) was held, the committee responsible for coordinating the national network took an active part in the forum on ECD, on the basis that the conference should issue a recommendation on ECD.

The National Education Conference was held from August 28 to August 30, 2014, and at the conclusion of the proceedings, recommendations were made in the presence of the Prime Minister and Minister of Education to reserve an important role for ECD. The Minister of Education and the Chair of the National Steering Committee of the conference spoke out on television, on radio and addressed the press to highlight the importance of ECD in the conclusions of the conference.

This strong advocacy for ECD is the result of the combined action and vigorous involvement of Senegal’s National Agency for Early Childhood and the “Toddlers’ Corner” (ANPECTP), the Preschool Education Directorate at the ministry, the ADEA Working Group on Early Childhood Development, with UNESCO-BREDA as the lead agency, and UNICEF.

For more information contact: Rokhaya Diawara, Coordinator ADEA Working Group on Early Childhood Development,