Burkina Faso and Zimbabwe higher education EMIS policy briefs produced with WGEMPS

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The Ministries of Higher Education of Burkina Faso and Zimbabwe in collaboration with ADEA WGEMPS have produced policy briefs based on the findings of Institutional Record Keeping and Management Studies carried out in both countries between 2010 and 2013. These briefs give a wide range of policy recommendations which aim to strengthen Higher Education Management Information Systems (HEMIS) throughout the continent.

View the Policy Brief on « Planning based on reliable data and a rigorous management/ monitoring and evaluation process in Burkina Faso’s higher education institutions” , link

View the Policy Brief on “Strengthening governance in tertiary institutions: Revitalizing higher education management systems”, link

For further information, contact Tegegn Nuresu Wako, Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support,  tn.wako@gmail.com