AUC and Kenya sign MoU to improve Maths and Science Education

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On July 8, 2014, African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga and Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on improving mathematics and science education in Africa.

Under the MOU, the  Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) which hosts ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Education on Mathematics and Science Education (ICQN-MSE) will work with the AUC to:

1) Provide ongoing support to the design and development of continental teacher development programs, so that they meet the needs of their various target audiences;

2) Facilitate the development of in-service and pre-service teacher education programs, curricula and course materials of high quality in mathematics and science education in order to ensure that the programs are of exceptional quality and direct contextual relevance, so as to produce world class teachers;

3) Advocate the merits of collaboratively creating and sharing knowledge on best practices in teaching and learning of mathematics and science as a mechanism to improve quality and enhance long-term cost-effectiveness;

4) Advocate the merits of investing in design and development of high quality teaching and learning materials in MSE and enhancing the participation of African institutions and experts in the development of these materials; and

5) Where opportunities present themselves through the above activities, work on joint programs designed to meet the need for high quality MSE at basic education level in Africa so as to be fully competitive on an international level whilst being relevant to the African context.

The scope of activities under this MOU will therefore strengthen the capacity and visibility of ICQN-MSE’s host institution and enhance synergy among the African countries seeking to collaborate to address the challenges of MSE in Africa.

For more information contact Patrick Aluma Kogolla, Coordinator, ICQN-MSE,