African Governments called upon to provide adequate resources for EMIS in Africa

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The African Union Restricted Technical Committee on Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) has called upon African Governments to heed seriously to EMIS in Africa through proper allocation of adequate resources.

The appeal came at the end of a well-attended meeting held in Accra, Ghana from 7 – 9 April, 2014. This meeting organized by the ADEA Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support in collaboration with the African Union Human Resources, Science and Technology Department and its Statistics Division drew participants from Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Namibia and South Africa. Representatives from regional bodies and international organizations such as the regional economic community of ECCAS, and partners of APHRC and SACMEQ UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), UNICEF, CIEFFA, the Education, Statistics and Youth Divisions of the African Union also took part in the deliberations.

At the end of the meeting, a communiqué was issued which considered, inter alia, the numerous challenges associated with EMIS in Africa particularly in relation to the African Union’s Second Decade Plan of Action, and the dire financial constraints facing the African Union EMIS continental strategy as well as the need to support the continued work of this technical committee. The participants appealed to the African Union Education and Statistics Divisions to seek adequate budgetary resources for the AU Restricted EMIS Technical Committee in order to ensure that it meets its annual commitments.

The EMIS Restricted Technical Committee’s primary role has been to provide technical advice and quality assurance to the African Union’s Observatory on methodological, logistical and feasibility issues related to the implementation of the EMIS priority area of the Second Decade of Education for Africa Plan of Action.

For more information contact: Contact Angela Arnott, Acting Coordinator, Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS),  or  Dr. Khalipha Bility, Ministry of Education, Liberia,"