ADEA is on YouTube

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ADEA has just created a channel on YouTube, with the aim, as always, of promoting and facilitating the transformation of education and training to ensure the accelerated, sustainable development of Africa.

This new channel of communication will make it possible to centralize and disseminate more widely all of the audiovisual materials produced by ADEA: films, interviews, debates, etc.
With this step, ADEA provides easy access to many films and interviews on the topics it studies and the events it organizes.

On Channel ADEA, Internet users will find audiovisual content on many aspects of education and training in Africa. A wide variety of subjects are covered: the use of ICT and its potential for transforming education and training in Africa, effective schools, literacy and early childhood development programs, the skills needed at all levels for the accelerated, sustainable development of Africa, teachers and HIV/AIDS in the school environment, etc.

The important events organized by ADEA – Biennales, Triennales and other forums – are also filmed regularly and will appear on Channel ADEA.
ADEA thus offers easy access to many videos on its activities, programs and research in order to influence policy-making and educational reforms.
To access Channel ADEA, go to: