ADEA Working Group on Maths and Science transforms into ICQN

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The ADEA Steering Committee, which held its 40th Session in Tunis, May 15-17, 2014, approved the transformation of ADEA’s Working Group on Maths and Science Education (WGMSE) into an Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN). Created in 2005, WGMSE was until now is led by JICA and hosted and coordinated by the Center for Maths, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA).

ADEA believes that the conversion of WGMSE into an ICQN  will enhance the effectiveness of maths and science education in countries participating in the ICQN.
For the period 2014-2017, ICQN-MSE’s mission will be “to serve as an open and flexible pan-African forum to inform and facilitate the transformation of mathematics and science education to contribute to Africa’s accelerated and sustainable development”. 

Activities planned  are the following: third country training programs; technical workshops; third country expert services; policy dialogue forums; technical exchange visits; research on innovative methods and approaches for effective delivery of maths and science education; establishment of a n ICQN-MSE dedicated web site; publication and distribution of an ICQN-MSE Newsletter; the establishment of other centers of excellence in Africa.

The ICQN will be run by a Secretariat led by a coordinator appointed by Kenya in consultation with the Joint Coordinating Committee (Kenya, ADEA Secretariat, partner agencies , CEMASTEA and S%ASE-Africa Association).

ADEA’s Inter-Country Quality Nodes (ICQNs) bring together countries facing similar challenges with strategic partners having expertise in a specific field to promote dialogue, collective learning and space for collaborative action.  ICQNs were created as mechanisms to promote the implementation of key recommendations stemming from ADEA’s work at country level. They promote ownership of lessons learned at national level and continuous capacity building through the exchange of experiences from action, practice and experience and peer learning.

For more information, contact Patrick Kogolla, Coordinator, ADEA Working Group on Maths and Science Education (WGMSE),