ADEA welcomes new Alternate Chair and new members in Bureau of Ministers

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COMEDAF VI elected a new Bureau in Yaoundé. As a result, ADEA’s Bureau of Ministers – which includes all members of the COMEDAF Bureau* – welcomes a new Chair and two new Ministers.
Hon. Minister Youssouf Hadidja Alim, elected President of the COMEDAF Bureau becomes Chair of ADEA’s Bureau of Ministers and ADEA’s Alternate Chair.

Hon. Minister Ousman Ba, Minister of Fundamental Education of Mauritania and Hon. Minister Shukuru Jumanne Kawambwa, Minister of Education and Vocational Training of Tanzania enter the ADEA Bureau of Ministers and Steering Committee as new members.  ADEA wishes Mrs. Alim great success in carrying out her mandate and welcomes Mr. Ba and Mr. Kawambwa in the Bureau of Ministers and Steering Committee. 

For more information, contact Thanh-Hoa Desruelles, External Relations and Communication Officer,

*N.B.  The process of merging the ADEA and COMEDAF Bureaus of Ministers was triggered in 2008. Hence the ADEA Bureau of Ministers includes all COMEDAF Bureau Ministers.