ADEA Steering Committee meets in Addis Ababa

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The ADEA Steering Committee held its 41st session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting approved the 2015 Program and Budget.

The year 2015 will be a watershed year, as it will see the relocation  of ADEA to Abidjan, – where its host institution, AfDB  has transferred back to headquarters – and the introduction of a new organizational structure.

The 2015 program also includes:

  • launching  the Inter-Country Quality Node on ECD, with Mauritius as the lead country;
  • the organization of the 2nd Ministerial Forum on ICT;
  • increased collaboration with the African Union, with ADEA providing support in the following areas: evaluation of the Second Decade of Education for Africa, the development of a continent-wide strategy for education for the next ten years, the establishment of the Coalition for Education in Africa, and the first meeting of the technical committee on scientific and technological education.

ADEA will also begin preparations for the next Triennale, the Association’s flagship event, which is scheduled to be held in 2016.

Ten African countries and twelve development organizations attended the 41st session of the ADEA Steering Committee.

While ADEA was in Addis it also held a meeting witht he AUC to develop a Road map of joint activities in 2015 and paid a visit to the Ambassador of Norway, which has just re-integrated ADEA.

For further information, contact Thanh-Hoa Desruelles, Principal Communication and External Relations Officer, ADEA,