ADEA publishes report of the Ministerial Forum on ICT integration in education

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The report of the First African Ministerial Forum on ICT Integration in Education and Training is now available.

The forum was organized by ADEA, the AfDB, UNESCO, the OIF and Intel, and held in Tunis from December 9 to 11, 2013. More than 240 participants attended, including 14 African ministers of education and training, experts, development partners and representatives of the ICT sector, the private sector and civil society.

With a high-level policy workshop, a ministerial meeting and a number of round-table discussions, the Forum offered a platform for exchange of ideas on many subjects: lessons learned from countries in various phases of the process of ICT integration in education and training; the formulation, financing, implementation and monitoring of ICT policies; ICT applied to teacher development and improvement in teaching practices; development and sharing of digital content; deployment of ICT infrastructure and connectivity issues; the challenges of scaling up ICT integration practices; learning opportunities via cell phone; the use of ICT to broaden the learning opportunities of marginalized peoples; public-private partnerships for ICT in education.

To consult the report, please click on the link.

For further information on the Forum, please go to or contact Mr. Tarek Chehidi, Coordinator of the ICT Task Force,