ADEA prepares AU Outlook on Education 2014 reports

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ADEA’s Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS) is actively preparing the African Union’s Outlook on Education 2014 continental and regional reports. The reports will be published in time for the COMEDAF VI meeting scheduled to take place end of April in Cameroon.

The general report contains continental analyses of the 8 priority areas spelled out in the African Union’s Second decade of Education Plan of Action:

1.    Gender and Culture 
2.    Education management information systems (EMIS) 
3.    Teacher Development
4.    Higher Education
5.    Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD)
6.    Curriculum, teaching and learning materials
7.    Quality management
8.    Early Childhood Development (ECD)

The regional reports contain more detailed analyses on country level performance and indicates general trends for the region.

ADEA has facilitated the production of the African Union’s Outlook on Education continental and regional reports for the past three years.

This year’s reports are particularly important as it will review the performance of African countries and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in terms of implementing the Second Decade Plan of Action for Education (2005-2015).

The production and publication of the AU Outlook on Education continental and regional reports are one of ADEA’s  major contributions to implementation of  the AU’s Second Decade of Education Plan of Action.

For more information, please contact Angela Arnott, Interim Coordinator, Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS), a.