ADEA participates in launching of PIRJEF, a platform forfrancophone youth networks during Francophonie Summit

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ADEA is one of the founding members of the International Platform of Francophone Youth Networks (PIRJEF). This platform was launched at the 15th Summit of the Francophonie, which took place in Dakar, Senegal, November 29-30, 2014.

PIRJEF is a platform open to the francophone youth networks. Its mission is to federate these initiatives and to voice the concerns of the francophone youth on themes of common concern.

The objectives of PIRJEf are:

  • Federate the initiatives of francophone youth networks;
  • Strengthen the capacities of members of the platform through  cooperation and the exchange of information and expertise;  
  • Advocate for the participation of members at major events  and decision-making instances  where the francophone youth is concerned;
  • Encourage the contribution of the francophone youth to attaining the objectives of post 2015 development priorities.

ADEA will contribute to the reflection and activities of PIRJEF related to education and training.

For more information, contact Raky Gassama Coly, ADEA programs,

PIRJEF web site: